BMS School Screenings


*During the month of September or October, middle school students in grades 5 and 6 will have their vision screened. The purpose of the screening is for early detection of visual problems. The school nurse may perform the vision screening by having your child identify letters from a prescribed distance on a wall chart. When available, the Lion's Club may provide free screenings using technology that scans both eyes for possible vision problems. The program is called KidSight. It is free of charge and Lion's club members work with the school nurse to screen students and make proper referrals. All referral letters will be mailed home advising parents of the failures.


*In October or November, hearing screenings will take place for students in grade 5. The purpose of this screening is for early detection of hearing problems. The school nurse may perform the hearing screening which requires your child to identify, in each ear, sounds provided by an audiometer. Letters will be mailed home notifying parents of failures after the second screening.


*During the 5th grade hearing screenings, all girls without a currant physical on file, will have a postural screening. The purpose of this screening is for early detection of postural abnormalities (curvature of the spine). The screening is simple and uncomplicated. Individually, the girls will be asked to stand and bend at the waist in the nurse's office. Occasionally, lifting the shirt to see the waist may be necessary. The 7th grade girls are typically screened in the spring using the same procedure as the 5th grade girls.

*At any time you DO NOT want your child to have these screenings; please notify the school nurse.