
Please note these pages are still undergoing work 

Oxford Brookes University 

Our dedicated team has crafted a series of compelling infographics aimed at shedding light menstrual inequity. Through these infographic we aim to spark conversation and drive action towards achieving Menstrual Equity for all. These infographics serve as poignant reminders of the barriers and disparities faced by individuals worldwide, urging us to advocate for tangible solutions and systemic change. Together, let's break the silence and foster a future where menstruation is no longer a barrier to equality.

Infographic Workplace .pdf

Menstrual Equity Statics 

Menstrual Equity Infographic stats x1

Menstrual Equity Statics 

Infographic Education .pdf

Menstrual Equity Statics 

Oxford Brookes University - ME Blog Post

Oxford Brookes University launches Menstrual Equity Project blog 

Oxford Brookes University Launches Menstrual Equity Project Blog.pdf

TOTM (Time of the Month)

Your Time To Talk

Are you a Line Manager and want to show you support your colleagues around Menstrual Equity? 

Talking Periods at Work & Breaking Stigma.pdf

Guide to talking about Period in the Workplace 

Communicating The Scheme To Your Employees.pdf

Communicating the TOTM Scheme to your employee 

Bloody Good Resources 

What's The Bloody Fuss About 

Mind Your Bloody Language - download.pdf

Mind Your Bloody Language Guide 


Bloody Good Employers Guide 


Bloody Good Research - PDF