Menstrual Equity

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What is Menstrual Equity?

The most commonly recognised definition of menstrual equity focuses on the affordability, accessibility and safety of menstrual products. However, menstrual equity is not just defined by the products we use, it is also about awareness raising and providing reproductive care, that lasts for the entirety of a person's life. It’s about making sure that people have the support they need, if and when they need it, and are clear about the choices available to them, when they are deciding how to take care of their menstrual health.  It's also about challenging and hopefully ending, the stigma that still exists around periods, so that policymakers and all those involved in providing support and resources, understand that menstrual health has to be a priority. 


Oxford Brookes University - Supporting Menstrual Equity

Oxford Brookes University joins forces with the Student Union in our shared commitment to menstrual equity. As Jennifer Weiss-Wolf stated in "Periods Gone Public," menstrual equity is about more than just access to products; it's about destigmatising menstruation and promoting awareness and education surrounding menstrual health. Together, we want to ensure that every member of our community has equal access to menstrual products and resources, regardless of financial constraints. Through awareness-raising, advocacy and practical support services, we're working to create an inclusive environment where equity prevails.

At Oxford Brookes, we recognise that achieving menstrual equity requires sustained, collective effort.  By working together, we're actively challenging the inequity surrounding menstruation.