Menstrual Equity at Oxford Brookes University 

Please note these pages are still being developed

What is Oxford Brookes Doing? 

We are proud to support Menstrual Equity at Oxford Brookes University, and as part of our efforts to ensure that members of our community do not experience difficulty sourcing period products, we have 'free vends' (vending machines that do not require payment), located on each campus.

This initiative is a collaborative effort between Oxford Brookes University and the Brookes Student Union, provides travel-size "Always" pads/tampons, and TOTM pads/tampons, Care Cupboards which have various period products which have been donated,  in the locations shown on the Menstrual Equity Map.

As part of this initiative, we're also introducing designated locations where staff and students can donate period products. We believe in fostering a culture of inclusivity and support, and your contributions can make a meaningful difference. 

Together, let's continue to uphold the values of equity and dignity for all members of our community. 

Get involved: Menstrual Equity is an inclusive project.

Please get in touch, if you have any questions or if you would like to get involved by emailing

Free period product collection points 


Oxford Brookes University is launching a new map designed to facilitate access to free period products and Menstruation and Menopause Caring Cupboards across its campuses. This innovative tool aims to support the menstrual hygiene needs of not only students and staff but also the wider Oxfordshire community.

view or download now the OBU M&M Map 

Menstrual Equity Map Updated 2024

Watch out for these stickers!

Spotting these stickers in the bathroom? Scan them! They'll link you to our free period product map for all Oxford Brookes University campuses. Discover where to collect or donate period products hassle-free.

Period Stigma: What it means to us  

Period stigma refers to the societal taboos and negative attitudes surrounding menstruation, which often lead to shame, silence, and discrimination against individuals who menstruate. This stigma manifests in various ways, including cultural beliefs, religious restrictions, and inadequate access to menstrual hygiene products and education. Despite progress in challenging period stigma globally, it remains a significant barrier to menstrual health and well-being for many.

At OBU University, there is a commitment to fostering inclusivity and breaking down barriers, including those related to period stigma. The university recognizes that period stigma not only affects individuals' physical health but also their mental and emotional well-being. OBU promotes open dialogue, education, and access to resources to combat period stigma within its campus community and beyond.

Through initiatives such as the Menstrual Equity Project, educational workshops, and support for organisations advocating for menstrual health, OBU strives to create an environment where menstruation is destigmatised and individuals feel empowered to discuss their experiences openly. By challenging period stigma, OBU University aims to promote equality, dignity, and respect for all individuals, regardless of their menstrual status.

Our Partner: Time of the Month (TOTM)

Oxford Brookes University and its Student Union have joined forces with TOTM (Time of the Month) to distribute sustainable period products across the university's campuses. Committed to promoting environmental sustainability and ensuring accessibility, staff, and students can now access organic cotton applicator tampons (Regular) and organic cotton pads (Super) at no cost. These essential resources are conveniently mapped out on the OBU Menstrual Equity Map, empowering individuals to easily locate and access the products they need to manage their period.

further information about Time of the Month (TOTM).