
Menopause at work

There is growing awareness and recognition of the benefits of enabling an open and supportive discussion of adjustments to accommodate the impacts of the menopause at work.

Our working lives are long and likely to lengthen.  Around 60% of the University workforce are likely to experience directly the impact of menopause and around 52% of them are likely to have already had direct experiences, or will do so in the next five to ten years (HR data 2021). It makes sense for us as an organisation, to be proactive in enhancing best practice to reduce the challenges of navigating this life stage. Menopause may also be triggered at different ages for individuals by other health issues and events.  

We seek to adopt an inclusive approach, for example recognising that trans and gender non-conforming people go through menopause, and people experience menopause symptoms at the same time as they are managing other types of workplace challenges.

More information about menopause at Brookes

Information about menopause at Oxford Brookes University

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Department Head and Chair of the Menopause Sub-Group