Thursday 21st May 2020


Today we would like you to practise your number bonds up to 20. Have a go at completing one of the worksheets below or you can complete them all if you are able to. If you don't have a printer you can copy the number bonds onto your own paper at home.

If you have 20 lego pieces/ toys at home or even pieces of pasta, maybe you can use them to help you with your number bonds.

Have a look at how Nicola has solved some number bonds using her cubes.

20 - number bonds.png

Challenge: Can you complete the number bonds with the different whole amounts?

Brain break

Please choose an activity from the Brain Break tab!


Have a listen to the video of the lady reading the sounds and the word that includes the sound. Then have a go at reading the sounds and the word yourself. Can you think of other words with these sounds?


Over the past week year 1 you have thought come up with different words using the alphabet. Today can you record a video on class dojo sharing some different words you came up with.


Please practise the following spellings today






Without looking at the screen, write down the word and ask your parent to check if the spelling is correct.


Sporting Stratford

In 2012 the Olympics were held in London with many events taking place in Stratford at the Olympic park.

How many different sports can you play in London? Watch the video to give you some ideas.

Challenge: Write a sentence or make a video to tell us what your favorite sport is and why.

PE - Optional

Take a look at some of the activities in the All Stars Cricket activity pack. You can print them off to do at home or you can have a go at doing the activities on screen or at home.

Holiday Camp - Optional