Thursday 30th April 2020


Numbers in Words - Treasure Hunt

Can you write the words for the numbers from 1- 20 on pieces of paper and ask your mum or dad to hide them around your house for you to find! This is just like Monday's game except this time you need to find the words and recognise all the words up to 20 which you have been practising on Tuesday and Wednesday!

Challenge: Can you find them in the correct order, starting from one, two, three...

Log in to Sumdog to join in with the contest! Answer as many questions as you can!

Brain break

Please choose an activity from the Brain Break tab!


Go to the Phonics tab and practise your Set 2 and Set 3 sounds!

Let's practise these words for the final time this week!

Maybe you can post a video on your dojo account one day this week to show your teacher you have been practising.

You can look back on Monday's phonics activity to see the video of Nicola reminding you how to read words with special friends.


Yesterday you drew some amazing pictures of Paddington and used different adjectives to describe your picture.

Today your task is to use the adjectives from yesterday and think of great sentences about the story of Paddington.

Here are some examples:

Paddington always wears his red hat and blue coat.

Paddington is a very caring and kind bear.

You can record your sentences on class dojo and share your ideas with your friends and teachers. Can't wait to hear your great sentences, they are going to be fantastic!


Please practise the following spellings today






Without looking at the screen, write down the word and ask your parent to check if the spelling is correct.


What would you like to find out about London?

Write 5 questions of things or facts you would like to find out about London.

You might want to find out some places you could go, who lives in there, how you can get there.