
What is Counselling?

It is an opportunity for you to talk to a trained counsellor about any worries, concerns, fears, or anxieties you may be feeling.

How confidential is it?

All personal information and details mentioned by a client in counselling will be treated with complete confidence. Only if exceptional circumstances arise, which give the counsellor good grounds for believing that you are at risk, might it be necessary to break confidence. Even in this instance, the counsellor will seek your consent, and talk you through what happens next.

What is a session?

A session lasts for 50 minutes each week. This open space is available to you to talk confidently in private about anything you want to. It is a space to explore your worries and concerns and come to a deeper understanding of what is going on with you.

How many sessions can I have?

We initially offer you 12 sessions. You can have as many or as few as you feel you need within that.

How do I get to see a counsellor?

You can refer yourself by speaking to your tutor or head of year, or directly by approaching our lead counsellor, Yolanda Antonio in Office 5, Zone 2 (near The Space) Monday to Thursday. Any teacher or member of staff may also refer you to see a counsellor.

Who decides when the counselling should end?

YOU have the right to choose to end counselling at any time. You will need to tell your counsellor that you wish to do this.

What do others say about counselling?

“When you feel the time is right for you, it’s one of the best things you can do”

“It’s nice to have someone who understands and supports how you feel”

“Counselling has given me a safe space to feel heard”

“It’s a place I can be free to go through the troubles I am dealing with”