January 12th, 2024

We are better together

Watching a webinar in science

Science: Mallards 

By Madelyn 

Have you ever heard of Mallards? We had a zoom meeting with Clackamas Community College about them. We had a very nice presenter who taught us about mallards. Here are some things we learned about them. Their quack sound is made by the bill. A female mallard can lay up to 1 to 13 eggs. Mallards can fly up to 55 miles per hour. They are not afraid of humans. They live in a wet climate that keeps predators away from them. Their favorite food is dragonflies at any stage of life. Mallards are in the duck family. They have a unique color. We had time to see some amazing mallards. We filled out a sheet and took notes. There are over 80 Mallard varieties. Mallards can live up to one to three years. We had so much fun learning about mallards. Tune in next time for another amazing website. That’s Madelyn, signing out!

Hot Seat

by Scarlet

I’m going to be talking about “Hot Seat” today. We learned about this fun game in Growth Mindset this week. It’s really fun. First, Ms. Pritchard calls up someone to sit in the chair. Then she puts an image on the television behind them that they can’t see. Then she calls on people to give the person in the chair hints without saying the word. For example, the first picture was a flamingo. Students gave hints like pink, us, here, bird. Ms. Pritchard said words like “Um” and “hmm” count as hints. It was difficult to not say the words for some of the clues like waterfall. That’s it, signing off for today bye!

Lunch Class

By Freddie

What is lunch class? Well, I'm going to tell you. Welcome to lunch class.

So I know what you are thinking, and you are right to think so. Lunch is not a real class. It's a time of the day when all the students retrieve the 5-star meals prepared for the students by their own personal chefs who dedicate their lives to the children. And these people are the parents! So thank you, Mom, for packing my lunch. Lunchtime is a 20-minute window before recess. Now in general you eat during lunch, but you could also talk and just hang out. Overall, there's not much to say about lunch. However, we all must know by now we all love lunch. 

Writer’s Notes

Wanna know the best lunch in the world? It’s fried chicken, chocolate milk, and nutella. 


Written by Freddie

Edited by Freddie

Edited by Mr. Keenan and a peer

Thank you for reading!

NewerER Electives

By: Austin

There are new electives with an extra option someone tried to add, but it wasn't on there. The new electives were;

I'm only talking about Karaoke for today. First, we learned the history of Karaoke and how this elective works. Then we wrote on sticky notes what songs we wanted to do (wait for mine 😉) there was a Fortnite song that I forgot the name to, other songs I forgot the name to as well, and Happy and you know it.

mine… was that last one. I didn’t do it. Instead, I said have someone else do it, and they chose, THE WHOLE CLASS. so everyone did, instead of clapping, stomping, they jumped simultaneously and it was like a mini earthquake each time. With the last part causing a cabinet to fall over. (not intended, but still. (no one was hurt because no one was in squish range of the cabinet)) next time, I’m having someone do the song Helicopter. More info on more topics soon.

Electives: Origami

By Sam L.

For electives this week, I am in Origami. It is Mr. E’s elective and so far it is very exciting. We started out by making a dog that turned out to be harder than the later Origami animals. So far we have made only animals but that may change. The dog was so hard because the instructions showed folding one way when we had to fold two ways. It also had some unfolding parts that showed like folding. With some of those, it made it quite hard to follow the instructions. But it wasn't too bad and we made some dogs. I believe next week we are doing cats. The funny part is that someone made an octopus in the same timeframe as a dog takes. The last fold of the dog wasn't actually a fold but an unfold which made it impossible to finish. So we had to spend some time on finding what it meant. I made two dogs myself and when I put them together, it looked hilarious. We also have many types of paper. We are starting with some purple paper and then going to color paper. Mr. E also has some very nice blue shiny paper. We also had small groups that we worked together in so it would be calm. Mr. E did this because electives can sometimes get noisy. Someone made a pretty good octopus that was silent. Even though we did this, it was still loud from all the questions we had! So far we have had only one day, but it was very fun. That is all I have for electives this week.

Hot Seat in Growth Mindset

By Dylan

Hot Seat is a game where people have to describe a picture to someone using only one word. The person guessing what the picture is may not look at the picture, otherwise there wouldn't be a point giving hints! Another rule is that the person giving hints may not have a part of the word in the picture in one word. For example, you can’t say “water” if the picture is a waterfall. You’re also not allowed to use hand gestures. It is definitely a very fun game to play with just about anyone. You can also be really creative with the hints. For instance, when I gave a hint and the picture was a grizzly bear I gave the hint Alaska the state of B.B.B. (Big Brown Bear.) Or for a picture of lightning, you could give the hint Pikachu. Sorry for the short website. To make up for it here's a random Mr. Keenan Quote, “I feel like there's a parrot on my shoulder that just won’t stop squawking!”

Improv the Best Elective on Earth 

By Riley

Hello everybody, today you will read about the best elective on Earth. It is called Improv. Improv is where you do improvised acting. To improve improv skills, we play a lot of funny games, for example statues. In statues, one person goes in front of everybody else and makes a funny pose, a random one that doesn't seem human or it can seem human but it has to be funny. One of the most important rules of improv is that the only fool is the person who refuses to be foolish. Anyway, after someone is in their pose, another person comes up and makes another strange pose. Then the third person comes up and names the statue, for example, “Strange Humanoid Trees Walking Towards a City.” 

One of the warm-up games we do is called Crazy Eights. You shake your hand slightly and count down eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. As you shake your hand, you shake it slowly and gently and a small movement. Then you go to your other hand and then your leg and then your other leg. Next you then do seven where you count down louder and you move faster and more vigorously and in bigger motions. That continues down to one until you are screaming at the top of your lungs, slapping the walls on the other side of the room with your hands, and kicking the ceiling. Yeah it warms up our body, our mind, and our vocal cords. 

We also play a game called Zip Zap Zop. The first person gets the energy and points and claps in a specific motion to send the energy to the next person and they say zip. The next person has to send it off quickly and they go zap. And it continues zip, zap, zop, zip, zap, zop, sorry the game went on too lon. Anyway, improv is an amazing elective because we get to move, we get to sit, we get to rest, and we get to be goofy. Oh and I forgot, there are two more games I want to tell you about. 

Cross the Circle is where there's somebody that says somebody else's name and starts walking towards them. For example, Mr. Keenan might say “Riley” and he'll start walking towards me. I have to say for example “Mr. Zeutzius” before he reaches me and start walking towards my side. He just has to pass it to another person and it goes around and around.

The other game is “What Are You Doing” where everyone is in a circle and someone is in the middle who does a perfectly normal action like brushing their teeth. The crowd asks “what are you doing?” and they say something silly. For example, I said “looking at my IQ test and realizing it's negative 14” and then everybody acts it out the best they can. Then I go back into the circle, somebody else goes in, and they do the IQ test action  , and then we ask them, “What are you doing?” and they say something like “swimming in an ocean of tables.” By the way these are all real examples! And it continues like that until we can't stand because we're laughing so hard. At least that's how it ended that time.

 You can probably see now why everybody loves Improv. Improv can be extremely fun and chaotic. Bye everybody and thanks for reading my website. Also, sorry Sam. Just so you know, Sam edits my massive websites. Shout out to you, Sam. *evil laugh*

Art (Really Sketch Class with Mr. Keenan) 

By Abby C. 

In Art class the teachers split art class into two different classes, one is with Ms. Pritchard in Flamingo North and the other art class is with Mr. Keenan in Flamingo South. Ms. Pritchard is the one who does painting and other fun stuff in a big group where you have to work together. I will get to Mr. Keenan's class in a moment. Ms. Pritchard's class, from what I am told, is painting and working on the positive and negative space for painting. I don't know what that means but now I'm going to talk about Mr. Keenan’s sketch class. 

In Mr. Keenan’s sketch class we get our own sketchbooks and nobody else in Flamingo North (AKA Ms. Pritchard’s art class) gets one, only the people in Mr. Keenan sketch class. These sketch pads are for when we want to sketch something or draw something that Mr. Keenan has us to do for an assignment. We have rules for our sketchbooks and if you break those rules for the sketchbook, you might need to take a break from your sketchbook. Here are the rules for our sketchbooks: 1. No doodling, 2. No ripping or breaking the sheets, 3. No scribbling because scribbling on a blank and fresh sheet of paper is a waste paper. Those are a few examples of the rules for the notebook. 

So far we have been working on how to draw 3D and how to draw things at an angle and how to look at it from a different perspective. We are also learning how to draw two dimensional. For some people sketching is really hard and they hold the pencil way too tight. But that makes the pencil tip jam into the paper and that will damage the pencil and the poor paper. And sometimes people hold the pencil the wrong way and that is okay because students here are still learning. So far we have drawn a landscape, a bug, and other 3D objects around the room or that Mr. Keenan shows on the screen. 

We also learn in Mr. Keenan’s class how to take a proper art class. In Ms. Pritchard’s class you have to practice working in a classroom with other people. Some other skills we can work on are raising your hand and not blurting out answers. We can also learn about time and place for humming or singing, since it is very distracting for other students and it can be hard for them to focus on their assignment that they are given. It is important to learn what is appropriate to say and what is not appropriate to say and what you should do instead of doodling. That's all I have for now goodbye!


Yesterday we did fitness. We played this game, the alligator game. There was a Hula hoop that you had to jump in and make it to the other side without getting tagged.  It was so fun! And then we also do Frankenstein's slash squats/Mario jumps. Some of the boys do push-ups. Now we are going to be telling you about indoor Fitness, and that is when it's raining outside or it's damp or cold and the weather isn't that nice. For inside we do yoga. My personal favorite pose is bird dog. For the game we usually do silent ball. We pass the ball around in the circle, and you have to try to be silent, and you try to get passed to  at least one time.  We're not timed but like he times us of how fast we can go. we also do sometimes play a game where somebody stands in the middle and they pick a corner. If you're in that corner,  well, you're doomed that's called four corners.

by Braylee and Alana


By: Sam S. & Braylee

Hi, we have some news about one of the gerbils. On Christmas Eve, Oats the gerbil moved on to a better place in heaven.

 From now on it will just be Pumpkin the gerbil in the cage. Miss Hofeld is thinking about getting a new gerbil for Pumpkin to play with but we can’t just fill in the position of Oats. That would be like replacing a dog with another dog in two days. We need to grieve and give some thought to Oats. But also sometimes just like cats and dogs, gerbils don’t get along. They can get into fights and get upset with each other. 

We also had an idea to draw or if we have a photo of Oats, we will put it up in the cage for Pumpkin and Oats to feel like they are together again. Thank you for the joy you brought to the classroom. Rest in peace Oats.   

Bridges Art: 

Dots and Circles

By Ben

Bridges is a lot about art, so much that you could call the whole school its own art piece (it probably would sell for a lot too). This, seeing the many websites I made on this amazing subject, doesn't really seem a surprise, but art makes Bridges the fantastic educational sanctuary it is. This time we are doing something very particular for art right now. Inspired by Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama, we are doing, well, dots and circles. At first glance this does not seem that “particular for art” but it is way more complex than you might think. Actually, it is not just “dots and circles”; that is just the only simple way to describe it. The artist who created this particular type of art, Yayoi Kusama, had a very interesting life and showed it massively through her career. At Bridges we are harnessing her technique in art. How it works: first we make a draft on paper by drawing many circles on it, then we copy the draft onto canvas, after that we choose 4 colors-1 for the background and 3 for circles- and paint. It is a very interesting and astonishing technique.

Growth Mindset: Hot Seat

By Daniel

Yesterday, we played a game called Hot Seat. Hot Seat is a game where you guess what the picture is behind you. People in the audience will give you hints. For example, let's say the picture is of a bear and the person in the hot seat can't see the picture. The aim is for the person to guess the picture and people in the audience can help by giving hints. Such as brown, fish, and Freddie. The name of each picture is only one word because you're not allowed to say multiple words. You can only say one word as a hint and you need to have that word in your head before you say it. The last rule is to not make hand gestures, such as making your hands look like the picture. Unfortunately, that's all I have for now. Hope you have a good day!


By Rowan

Every week, websites appear on the Flamingo Bridges Middle School page. It could be about something like Recess or Fitness or Reading or even a mushroom that if someone finds it they get little chocolates. For a whole month, that happened! I'm writing a website about websites. Pretty funny, right? I have a little question for you, dear viewer, what makes a good website? 


By Hudson 

This elective cycle is 6 weeks long, and I chose the Crochet elective. The first week of Crochet we picked out yarn. Then we watched a video about how to make a slipknot. We practiced how to make a slipknot but some of us struggled to make one. Eventually, everyone figured it out. After that, we watched a video about how to make a chain. Then, we practiced making a chain until class was over. In conclusion, the Crochet elective is exciting and new.

The Buzz about Social Studies (#2)

By Ewan and Sampson

Ewan:  Good evening, folks! Well, it’s probably not evening time when you’re reading this, but who cares? Anyway, you might be wondering why I have a sombrero with a rim filled with guacamole on my head. And why there’s papel picado on the stage. Well, that’s because, in Social Studies class, we are learning about……


But before we get into the country, we have to get into the project. And who better to do it than my good friend and co-host Sampson?

Sampson: Thanks, Ewan! Also, Ewan, do you have any chips? I really could go for some guacamole and chips right now. But on to the topic: MÈXICO!!! Our assignment for today is to learn all about Mexico. We have a sheet of paper that has tasks and information. We have to fill it out, and then we have lots of other paper scattered around the room that we must locate and write down.

 The information: That's what we're doing today! Now let's talk about the culture and tribes, like the Mayan tribe. They would give offerings to their gods as in the form of cenotes. Cenotes are giant hot tubs that go WAY deep down, and the Mayan people gave offerings to the gods by putting them in the cenotes. Nowadays people will swim in cenotes and there will be a treasure at the bottom. But usually, there's a sign saying NO THIEF. On to you, Ewan!

Ewan: I didn’t ask him to explain the culture, but OKAY! Anyways, Mexico is a country of about 129,388,467 people and 761,610 mi², making it the 13th-biggest country in the world by area!

 Mexico shares borders with the USA (us!), Guatemala, and Belize. 

Mexico has many other common foods, from soups to empanadas. Mexico’s a prime hotspot for Aztec, Maya, and Olmec ruins. Its capital is Mexico City. 

I think we’ve covered all bases! In case anyone’s brain has exploded and they couldn’t get their facts back into their heads, can you review, Sampson?

Sampson: Why, yes I can. Cenotes are hot tubs where people make offerings to the gods. There are over 129 million people in Mexico, and it is famous for its delicious foods and the ancient tribe ruins. I'm going to say it again: CENOTES!!! 

Ewan: Thank you, Sampson! Now this is the end of the episode, so if you’d like, go watch— erm, I mean READ it again, and I will see you next time!

Art: Drawing News 

By Tessa

Hi this is Tessa from Art News coming live from sketch class to tell you about all the new art stuff we learned about. Why do I call this Art News? Because this is news about Art class! We're starting 3D sketching. In our class we are now going from 2D to 3D by adding more depth into our art with detail and shading. Try drawing a cup with more detail and depth. Sketch class also focuses on your skills like staying with the lesson, focusing on what the teacher is saying, raising your hand, and more. We've been drawing 3D objects throughout two lessons and it is really fun and difficult. You should try drawing something of your own. Try drawing a bird, a duck, or maybe even a mallard. It doesn't have to be 3D if you're beginning. Do your best at drawing. It doesn't matter how you draw it because you get better the longer you draw! 

Tessa from Art News, signing out from Flamingo South! 😁

Electives: Improv 

 by Nelson

Hi, today I'm writing about Improv. Now, you might wonder what Improv is. Well, I have an answer: improv is a silly elective that you can't be cool in. It's quite impossible because the entire premise of the elective is to be silly. And decapitate people (not literally), but we'll get to that later… Anyway, moving on. Improv stands for Improvisational comedy, which basically means there's no script. It's on the go comedy that can get really wild. There's this game we played last improv class called What Are You Doing? It was super fun! Basically someone acted an initial action, say, cooking a dinner. Then everybody in the class was saying in unison, “What are you doing?” And then the person would say something completely random that they weren't actually doing and everybody would do that. For example, I could cook a delicious steak, and then everybody will go what are you doing, and then I can say flop like a fish, and then I see everybody flop like a fish, and be hilarious. We also played some other games like Zip Zap Zop. It's a pretty simple game, but it's really fun. Everybody stands in a circle, and someone starts with the pattern with “zip,” then they point to someone and say “zap,” and then they point to someone else, “zip.” And so on and so on. There also can be some really silly moments. Like I said in the beginning, decapitation and limbs being chopped off (not literally, of course). To sum the whole thing up, improv is a really fun elective and I really enjoy being a part of these silly moments. I hope you've enjoyed reading my website. Thanks for reading.


Improv is where we play games. We act out like Models and get names. Sometimes, we ask others what they're doing, and we do the exact thing they're doing. We also do a game where we do something and then pass it on to the kid next to us, like passing something on to us. Lots of funny acts happened in class. I was pretending to eat meat.

By Eli

Math mystery

The math mystery is a classic topic in the Flamingo room. A math mystery is a mystery as told in the name, the twist is that you figure out the perpetrator through math?! The Mysteries are on varying topics, such as Greek mythology, the missing math Mouse, and season and holiday-related mysteries. Today, we will talk about Greek mythology math mystery. In this mystery, you must find out who stole Apollo's cape. The cape grants you the ability to make you immortal. We were given the honor by Ms. Pritchard to beta test the math mystery she made. She also gave the privilege to others. Beta testers, including us, found many mistakes, such as spacing, grammatical, and math errors. The company is @happy dog learning it will be on teachers' pay teachers. We thank everybody who takes the time and effort to make math mysteries; they're fun and good for learning new skills. Thank you for taking the time to learn about math Mysteries; we hope you liked it. Thank you. 

by Adam and Penn and Banks

||||||Under construction||||||

By: Theo the beta tester 

Hello, I am here to tell you about how I and many others got to beta test a Greek mythology math mystery made by Ms Pritchard. Let me set the scene. It was just a regular day in Ms Pritchard's math group, we thought, because it was actually beta testing time, as we would soon learn. I and the rest of the group were called to a table near the gerbil table. This is where we learned we will be beta testing an experimental math mystery. Me and Austin worked together on this mystery about Apollo's stolen cape and it's up to you to find it. So big a problem and must determine who the thief is from Bart the bard, Cole the coal miner, and even Rhea the cook. A clue is, “The thief's job rhymes with a hook.” Can you guess who it is? It was very fun and I think Ms. Pritchard made a very fun math mystery

Tune in next week