Task A: Personas

Why Build Personas?

Personas are a foundational building block in human-centred design. They give us a “person” to relate with and co-create solutions for. Personas help us to empathize with the people who will be impacted by or benefit from the community-led gains in community health that you’re trying to validate. It also helps prevent generalizing all community members into one type.

How to create personas

Tip: It may be challenging to generalize your community into 2-3 personas, but give it your best attempt! You can repeat the workshop later with new sets of personas to ensure coverage.

Examples of Personas

The following personas came out of our pilot workshop and are examples of what your templates could look like!

Persona Example A - From Pilot Workshop
Persona Example A - From Pilot Workshop
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CommuniVax is a national coalition of social scientists, public health experts, and community advocates who seek to strengthen the community's role in an equitable COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

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Bridgeable is an award-winning service design consultancy. We work with individuals and organizations to create a more human world, one experience at a time.