Step 2
Design Your Workshop

Home / Run A Workshop / Step 2: Design Your Workshop

Preparing Your Templates

To help get you started, we’ve provided modifiable templates that you can use to design your workshop. For each of the tasks below, you will be able to learn more about how to get started and access templates that you can create copies of and easily modify. We've also provided examples of all the workshop materials we used in our pilot workshop.
Make sure to prepare your templates before the event!

Again, these are examples and you are free to revise and reframe as much as you please!
Don't be afraid to get creative, make it scrappy first, and iterate!

Task A
Create Personas

Personas are fictionalized representations of groups of people in your community, including their goals, needs, and frustrations.


2-3 hours

Task B
Create Barriers + Initiatives

Barriers are things that prevent and initiatives are things that help community members access and use health resources.

4-5 hours

Task C
Create Journey Maps

Journey maps are step-by-step diagrams that help us to understand a persona’s goal (e.g., getting vaccinated) as a series of actions or experiences.

6 hours

*This duration includes the time to conduct community research and incorporate it into these templates. If you have already conducted research and are familiar with your data, you may be able to complete these tasks in half of the time indicated.

Task D
Inviting Participants

The crucial role of the convenor is to establish a collaborative relationship and engage the right participants.

If strong relationships between the convenor and their community have not yet been formed, we suggest hosting a “lighter” brainstorming workshop to introduce your organization and expose participants to collaborative, hands-on activities. This can then be followed up with a second workshop that is focused on the specific community health issue.

Ready for the next step?

CommuniVax Logo

CommuniVax is a national coalition of social scientists, public health experts, and community advocates who seek to strengthen the community's role in an equitable COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

Bridgeable Logo

Bridgeable is an award-winning service design consultancy. We work with individuals and organizations to create a more human world, one experience at a time.