Task D: Inviting Participants

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Inviting Participants

Who you invite to the workshop will not only influence the workshop outcomes but will also affect the workshop environment and engagement level of all participants. It is important that community members feel comfortable and safe to share their thoughts and participate in co-creation, but it is equally important that there is a good representation of “community voices”, “community health experts” and “decision-makers.”


Aside from the facilitators that will come from the convenor group, we recommend inviting 5-8 participants for every 1 facilitator with ~60% of participants being community members and the remaining 40% representing one of the following groups:

For Example: An ideal workshop may have 15-24 participants in total, for equally distributed breakout sessions of 5-8 people. Each breakout group should aim to have ~2 community members, and 3-6 health leaders, non-health leaders, and/or government officials. 

This number allows each group to hear from a variety of perspectives while maintaining an intimate setting where everyone’s voices can be heard.



We strongly suggest giving participants at least 2-3 weeks' notice prior to the workshop to RSVP and book a time in their calendars. More time is likely required for prominent leaders and government officials.

Helpful Tip

For communities that are still in the early stages of community engagement, it is important that you situate the workshop within broader community work so that participants don't feel utilized and left behind. The workshop itself (and follow-up workshops) could serve as a key tool to build engagement and forge relationships!

Examples of Invites

The following invitation assets came out of our pilot workshop and are examples of what your templates could look like!

Example of Invite - From Pilot Workshop
Example of Checklist - From Pilot Workshop
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CommuniVax is a national coalition of social scientists, public health experts, and community advocates who seek to strengthen the community's role in an equitable COVID-19 vaccination campaign.

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Bridgeable is an award-winning service design consultancy. We work with individuals and organizations to create a more human world, one experience at a time.