Parent/Student Technology

Google Apps for Education

  • Your students has been issued a Beatrice Public Schools Google Account (G Suite). This account includes many different Apps such as Email, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Drive, etc.

  • A BPS Google Account may act differently than a regular Google Account. The BPS Domain Administrator controls access to Google Apps and how they work in the BPS Domain.

        • Your student's email address and password is formatted as follows:

            • Email Address - first 3 letters of first name plus Last Name plus

            • Password - bps plus their lunch code

                  • i.e bps13579


Every Classroom at Beatrice Public Schools has a cart of Chromebooks for student use. In the event of a school closing Chromebooks will be checked out to all students. A student may also check out and take a Chromebook home if needed during the normal school year.

Log in to a BPS Chromebook

  • Students use their BPS email address and Password. (as described above)

      • If you see already entered on the sign-in line, just enter the first part of your email - everything before the @

  • Elementary Students use a Clever Badge to log in at school.


Elementary Students use Clever to log into various Sites.

Log into the Chromebook

  • At School on a BPS Chromebook - the students will use their Clever Badge

      • The Chromebook will automatically go to their Clever Dashboard where they can choose BPS Sites they have access to.

  • At Home on a Chromebook that is NOT a BPS device (Chromebooks acquired/purchased from BPS are no longer a BPS device.

      • Login using their school email account. (as explained above)

      • The Clever Homepage will start to load

          • Choose Log in with Google

          • Choose their BPS Google Account


Google Classroom

  • As a Parent, you can ask your Student's Teacher for a code to get Classroom Email Summaries about your Student.

  • To View your Student's Google Classroom:

        • From any computer with internet access, click this link and have the student login with their Beatrice Public Schools Google Apps for education username and password. Please note that any activity in Google Classroom is documented under the student’s login and it would be inappropriate for a parent to communicate with the teacher or other students in Google Classroom. Parents should use their personal email to digitally communicate with the teacher.


Internet safety links for Parents