BPS Wireless

BPS Wireless Devices

To connect to the Beatrice Public Schools wireless, you will need to change your wireless settings. The wireless settings on laptops are usually accessed from a wireless adapter icon in the lower right-hand corner of the desktop (system tray). When you hover over it, it will give information about the wireless connection. Right click on the wireless adapter icon choose "View available wireless networks".

At each of the buildings (including the Administration Building):

You should see:

  • BPS-GUEST (no password required)
      • Just select it and hit connect
  • BPS-WIFI ( Secure Wireless Network)
      • This should ONLY be used by BPS personnel
      • If you need the Secure Password for a building please contact Carol Oltman or the BPS Tech Department.

iPod Touch, iPad, and any tablet:

  • Go to Settings--WiFi. It should show you wireless networks available.
    • Connect to the BPS-Guest Network.
        • No password is required.

Personal Wireless Devices - Phones, tablets, iPods, laptops, & etc.

The Beatrice Public School’s Technology Department will only provide the setup information required to access the School-Guest Wireless Network. We will not set up the personal device for you, or be able to offer any other support for your personal device.

Any personal devices connecting to the district wifi MUST use the guest network. This applies to staff and students.