BPS Phones


  • Outside calls - NO LONGER NEED TO DIAL 9.

  • Tip - when calling an Ext or making an outside call, the system takes a few seconds to send the call on it’s own. You can hit the SEND button to send the call immediately. Saves a couple seconds!

    • The SEND button appears when you pick up the handset and start dialing

Checking Messages

  • Select the Message Icon on the right side of the keypad.

  • Follow the instructions given by the system

Set Up Voicemail

  • Select Message Icon

      • The first time you access your mailbox, it might ask you to change your password

      • All users were given a default password of 135790

    • When prompted, Enter your new password then the # Key

      • If you forget your password, please put in a helpdesk ticket.

  • To change Voicemail Greetings, etc. - Press 4 for more options

      • Listen to and follow the Prompts.

  • You can get to your Voice Mail settings at any time by selecting the VM button on your phone.

Check Voicemail from outside the District

  • Dial 402-223-1500

  • When the Auto message starts, Hit the * (asterisk)

  • Follow the prompts

    • Enter Ext. followed by #

    • Enter Password followed by #

Do Not Disturb

  • Hit the DND button to send your calls directly to voicemail.

  • If you notice you are not getting calls - you may have accidentally pushed DND

Transfer a call

  • While the call is in progress, select the Transfer Button

  • Dial the extension number

  • Select the B Transfer Button

Quickstart Guide

BPS Phones - Instructions

Zac Login information



Just a reminder to all staff that you can call 911 from any phone in the district. It does take about 10 seconds for the call to connect. I know that could seem like forever in an emergency but it will connect.

Paging from your phone - 2021

Click HERE for instructions for Paging

Voice Mail Quick Refernece:

Clocks, Bells, Phones, etc.

If you have issues with Diode related items....Do Not contact Diode individually.

Chain of command:

Contact Building Custodian with your exact concern/problem

Custodian will contact Technology/ESU people

Ryan at ESU will contact Diode

If we do not follow this procedure, we get several billings, each with a standard service charge, rather than being able to save money by getting a lot of items lumped together to be fixed at one time.