MS & HS Gradebook Setup

Open Campus Instruction

In your Gradebook

  • Select the Term, Section, Task

    • 1st Semester classes:

          • Term - 2nd Quarter

          • Grading Task - Semester

    • 2nd Semester classes:

          • Term - 4th Quarter

          • Grading Task - Semester

    • Quarter Classes:

          • Select the term the section is taught

          • Grading Task - Semester

    • 1st Trimester

          • Term - 2nd Quarter

          • Grading Task - Semester

    • 2nd Trimester

          • Term - 3rd Quarter

          • Grading Task - Semester

    • 3rd Trimester

          • Term - 4th Quarter

          • Grading Task - Semester

Open Settings

Grade Calc Options

Choose Semester

  • Choose the Type - Always In Progress Grade

  • Choose What grading scale you will be using

    • HS or MS Standard

    • Check the Weight Categories box

    • All Regular Ed Classes will Weight Categories

    • Do NOT set up Grade Calculation for Standards, Progress, or Quarter

    • Save


  • HS:

    • Summative - Between 70% and 100%

    • Formative - Between 0% and and 30%

  • MS

    • Formative - 20%

    • Progressing - 30%

    • Summative - 50%

  • Select Add to Create a new Category

  • Enter Name

  • Enter Weight

  • Enter Sequence (Opt.)

  • Exclude from Calculation (Opt.)

  • Drop Lowest Score (Opt.)

  • Select the Courses and Sections you want to apply this Category

  • DO NOT Select any Standards

  • Select SEMESTER for the Grading Task

  • SAVE