State Projects

United States - State Project


Project Overview

Students will select a state to do a project over. Each state may be selected only once per class period and Oklahoma is not an option. If more than one student wants a certain state, there is a tiebreaker to determine who gets that state. The project consists of 3 components; written work, visual aid, and a presentation. All of these are explained below. The project is worth 140 points; this is easily the largest single value for any assignment or test there will be all year. An example grading rubric is on the back of this page. Students will be given some time in class, including time in computer labs, to work on this project. However, 4-5 days in class is not enough time to create and complete all components. Students will need to work at home, primarily on the visual part of the presentation. The visual must be a tri fold display board. The visual will aid them during their presentation to their peers. Below is a detailed description of each component.

1. Written Work

-Written work is turned into Coach Ppool at the time of the presentation.

A. List of Facts – a bulleted or numbered list of all the facts that are used in the presentation. May be typed or neatly written on notebook paper.

B. 5 Questions – students must create 5 questions based on the facts they have researched about their state. Questions can be true/false or multiple choice. May be typed or neatly written on notebook paper.

2. Visual

-Visual is due at the time of the presentation, it is used as support for the presenter.

-Needs to include wording (facts) and visuals to support the facts (pictures, charts, etc.) .

-Facts to include: (required, but extras are allowed and encouraged)

A. Geography

+Capital and Major Cities +Location and Bordering States

+Land Area and Rank +Population and Rank

B. Culture/History

+Ethnic breakdown, foods, things to do, pro teams, colleges, etc.

+When was it founded? Short description of how.

C. Government

+Governor +Senators +Number of Representatives

D. Economy

+Gross State Product +Main Industries +Common Jobs

E. Weather/Climate

+Average Temperatures +Average Rainfall/Snow

F. Fun Facts

+Song +Motto +Flower +Bird +Any others

3. Presentation

-Presentations should last 3-5 minutes. Students have to present, not optional. Students may use notes during their presentation. Talk about why that state was chosen and what was learned, then go over all the facts.

*ABSOLUTELY NO LATE WORK IS ACCEPTED. When it is your turn to present you must have all components ready. No part will be accepted after that point.