Inclusive Lesson Plans

LGBTQ+ students are often do not see themselves reflected in their classrooms and school as a whole. When representation is present, students are more likely to be exposed to information about LGBTQ+ people that are negative rather than positive. This means a lot of students learn to LGBTQ+ people in a negative light, this not only fosters discrimination and prejudicial behavior, but it is leaves LGBTQ+ students with shame and lost about themselves and their identities. BPS is committed to providing each student with mirrors in their learning, from which they can see themselves reflected, and windows, that allow them to see outside of their lived experience and into the beautiful arrays of diversity that surround them. 

Curriculum that acknowledges the existence of LGBTQ+ people and the positive contributions that they have made to our society are vital to providing a space that is safe and inclusive of everyone. Please look below for sample curriculm that you can use to make your school an classroom more inclusive of LGBTQ+ students. 

MA Safe Schools Program

History UnErased offers a collection of LGBT+ inclusive history curricula

OUT for Safe Schools 

The Los Angeles LGBT Center’s OUT for Safe Schools® program transforms school campuses into communities of support and safety for LGBTQ+ students.