Sexual Safety and Health

Find Sexual Health Care in Boston

We know how important it is to have clear, accurate information about our bodies and our rights. Y2Connect Boston is a website from Boston Public School's Office of Health and Wellness. This website offers accurate and trusted information on sexual health and allows youth to search for Boston area clinics and community resources offering sexual health services.

If a student has questions about sexual health, you can help them find a Boston area health center using Y2Connect Boston.

Y2Connect Boston allows you or your students to search for Boston area clinics and resources by zip code or service. On the homepage, there is a topic category labeled "LGBTQ+" that lists local clinics and resources that have care or programs specifically for LGBTQ+ youth.  Currently, the homepage features another category that states "Open During COVID-19" and displays clinics open during the pandemic. Information regarding sexual health services and minor rights to confidential sexual health care can be found under "Get the Facts" on the homepage.

Minor Rights & Sexual Health Care

Minors of any age can independently consent to confidential sexual health care such as:

LGBTQ+ Specific Clinics & Community Resources found on Y2Connect Boston:

Support & Strength

Survivors of Sexual Assault

LGBTQ+ Safety Hotlines

BPS Sexual & Reproductive Health Initiatives

Sexual Health Education

Sexual Health Education is an important part of the BPS Comprehensive Health Education program for PreK through Grade 12. Classes are taught by qualified, trained teachers and address the physical, mental, emotional and social aspects of human sexuality at a level appropriate to the age of the students. The curriculum includes education about sexual and gender identity and is inclusive of all, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ+) students. The program is designed to help students maintain sexual health by developing healthy relationships, delaying sexual activity, preventing disease and pregnancy, and reducing risky sexual behaviors. 

Lessons may include these topics:

For information about the sexual health education curricula and trainings that are provided in K-12, contact Nykia Leach, Sexual Health Education (SHE) Manager at 

Condom Accessibility Program (BPS High Schools)

The Boston Public School's Condom Accessibility Policy states that every BPS high school should make free condoms available  through a Condom Accessibility Team (CAT) consisting of at least the school nurse(s), one school staff member, and one school administrator. More school staff on the CAT is always welcome! 

By having more staff on the CAT, the school increases the access points within the school where students can get condoms and sexual health referrals as well as diversifies the team so that more students may have a person on the team they feel comfortable talking to.

CATs have two main priorities:

For information about Condom Accessibility program or CATs, contact Maggie Carmona at

Menstrual Access Program 

In Summer 2019,  Mayor Walsh and the City of Boston gave BPS School Health Services $100,000 to put towards menstrual equity in the district. The menstrual access program included 77 schools with grades 6 - 12. 

The program expects that each school will assemble a Menstrual Access Program (MAP) team. The MAP team will consist of diverse school staff who will have menstrual products available in their room/office should students needs access. The team is headed by the school nurse(s), who keeps track of the menstrual product inventory and will reach out to School Health Services when products need to be reordered. 

For information about the BPS Menstrual Access Program, please contact Maggie Carmona at

Expectant & Parenting Students Policy 

The BPS Expectant and Parenting Student Policy aims to support the dignity and self-determination of young people who are expectant or parenting to ensure they are academically successful.

The policy is inclusive of all gender identities and partners of students who are expectant. 

Per the policy, each school with grades 6 - 12 is expected to appoint a school staff member to serve as the Expectant and Parenting Student Policy Liaison. This person should know and understand the policy, and communicate the policy to school staff and the greater school community. The name of the liaison should be posted in the school and on the school website. 

Condom Accessibility

Menstrual Access Program

Expectant & Parenting Student