
Black History Month

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Why We Celebrate Black History Month

Black history month is a time for recognizing the central role of black people in U.S. history. Some people might be confused about why we have black history month when we don't have white history month. The reason is that our history curriculum is heavily focused on the history of white people and it rarely shows the history of black people outside the context of slavery or the civil rights movement. Black history month is a chance to learn about the broad scope of black history that is often ignored or rewritten to center white people.

Black History Month and Your GSA

Celebrating black history month in your GSA is a time to highlight the effects of having intersecting identities that are subject to societal rejection. However, this is not a time to highlight the pain, but to celebrate the resilience and strength of black LGBT people. It is a time to show young people the black queer folks who fought hard to guarantee they had a seat at the table. It is a chance to show other people the history of black LGBT people that has is so often ignored or erased from our history books. Use this month to highlight the experiences and voices of black and queer people in both your club and our history.

Aromantic Awareness Week

February 16-22

What is Aromantic Awareness Week?

An aromantic person is someone who doesn’t experience romantic attraction. Aromanticism is often confused for asexuality, but asexuality is only a lack of sexual attraction. Not all asexuals are aromantic, nor are all aromantics asexual. This week centered around sharing information and raising awareness about aromanticism and making sure aromantic spectrum voices and issues are heard and understood.

Show Solidarity by Celebrating AAW in Your GSA

Many people are unaware of aromantic people and may not even know that aromantic awareness week exists, that's okay because until I made this, neither did I. There are limited resources online to find out more about aromantic people and their lives and this shows the importance of taking the time to spread knowledge and awareness about a lived experience that we rarely see represented. Take this week to educate your GSA about aromantic people and the issues surrounding lack of information about groups of people.