LGBTQ Well-Being

It is essential that we share resources with LGBTQ+ youth so they can identify other positive spaces for themselves thrive outside the safe and supportive school environment.  

There are support groups and medical care centers dedicated to supporting the health and well-being of the LGBTQ community.  

A sense of community, access to health care, and support are significant factors to consider with LGBTQ youth you work with. In the BPS high school Youth Risk Behavior Survey, LGB students are often more likely than straight peers to experience bullying, feelings of hopelessness, etc. 

Connect your students to local, state, or national resources that can support their needs and talk to them about ways they can identify LGBTQ friendly health centers and providers. 

BPS Youth Risk Behavioral Survey LGBTQ+ Youth Data

Social stigma can result in long-term health impacts for LGBTQ youth. Stigma can present in many forms such as discrimination, harrassment, rejection, and violence.  For example, young gay and bisexual males have disproportionately high rates of HIV, syphilis, and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs); adolescent lesbian and bisexual females are more likely to have ever been pregnant than their heterosexual peers; and transgender youth are more likely to have attempted suicide than their cisgender peers.  

BPS YRBS data shows the experiences that LGB youth disproportionately face.  The data also highlights the importance of safe and supportive school environments for LGBTQ youth. 

What you can do:

*Note from the Center for Disease Control & Prevention: Historically, YRBS and other studies have gathered data on lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth but have not included questions about transgender and questioning/queer youth. As that changes and data becomes available, this content will be updated to include information regarding transgender and questioning/queer youth.