Mental Health

Experiences related to gender identity and sexual orientation can impact our health. As observed from the BPS Youth Risk Behavior Survey, LGB youth are more likely to experience bullying, engage in self harm, consider or attempt suicide, and feel sad and depressed compared to their straight peers.

When thinking about mental health, it is important to consider the intersection of identities of LGBTQ youth. Each individual and LGBTQ sub-group face unique challenges. It is essential to connect youth to mental healthcare supports that are culturally compentent to the needs of your students.

Y2Connect Boston can connect Boston youth to clinics and resourcs in Boston and Greater Boston area that can their mental health needs. Clinics and hosiptals usually have behavioral health professionals on staff to support students. It will be important to find resources that specifically support LGBTQ youth through prevention hotlines, support groups, and individual counseling.

Minors Rights & Mental Health Access

  • Minors 12 years of age and older can independently consent to a confidential mental health assessment.

  • Minors 16 years of age and older can indendently consent to confidential mental health treatment. Minors who are younger than 16 years old but who meet the mature minor rule may also be able to consent to treatment.

  • Minors 12 years of age and older, who have been found drug dependent by two physicians can consent to substance use treatment.

LGBTQ+ Specific Clinics & Community Resources found on Y2Connect Boston:

  • Clinic @ BAGLY

      • BAGLY (Boston Alliance of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Queer Youth) offers community support programs for LGBTQ+ youth.

  • Boston GLASS

      • Offers support to LGBTQ+ youth of color.

  • Fenway Health

      • Aims to enhance the well being of the LGBTQIA+ community.

  • Sidney Borum, Jr. Health Center

      • Offers safe, non-judgmental care for young people ages 12–29 who may not feel comfortable going anywhere else. No one is turned away .