Supporting and Affirming the LGBTQ+ Community of BPS 

Boston Public Schools | Office Health and Wellness & Office of Equity


This site is intended for GSA advisors, teachers, school leaders, school based staff, students, families, and anyone else wanting to affirm, support, and advocate for the BPS LGBTQ+ community. If you don't see an answer to your question, feel free to get in touch with us! 

**PLEASE NOTE: We regularly update our site to ensure that we are providing the most relevant and up to date information. This means that sometimes our pages may be unavailable while we make edits. You are welcome to reach out to us for additional support. We thank you for your patience! 

How Can We Help?

GSA Support 

Whether it is coming up with interesting new projects, discovering ways to advocate for LGBTQ+ students in school, or finding a way to revamp your GSA, we are here to support!

Technical Assistance

We can offer support with:

Connecting to Resources

We work with partners on the district, city, and state levels that we're happy to help connect you to. 

For more information about some of our community partners, click here

Contact Us

Carmen Fonseca, LGBTQ+ Student Support Manager

Carmen Fonseca (she/her) is the LGBTQ+ Student Support Manager. She can help with building capacity, sustaining existing work, piloting new programs, and connecting to resources and other support as needed. Contact her at

Shaquille Jones, GSA Coordinator

Shaquille Jones (he/him) is the GSA Coordinator for the district. He is the main point of contact for all things GSA from starting and sustaining your GSA to accessing resources and advocating for change. Contact him at

Amina Awad, MSW Intern

Amina Awad (she/they) is the MSW Intern working with the Office of Equity. Amina works on student, staff, and community support and has an interest in expansive and inclusive policy work. Contact them at