How do I access eBooks in BIS Secondary library?

You can access our eBook collection in Destiny Discover - just follow these simple instructions.

I'm having trouble logging in to Destiny Discover - what shall I do?

No problem - just email us in the library and we will look into it for you - anita.curley@bisvietnam.com

I'm don't know what book to read next - where can I get ideas?

Take a look at these Collections put together especially for BIS students on Destiny Discover - there are lots of ideas for next great reads.

Where can I access online research resources?

BIS Secondary has subscriptions to so many digital resource platforms - take a look here.

I want to search for some research papers on EBSCOhost, but how do I log in?

You can find instructions for logging into EBSCOhost here, but you can also email Ms Curley if you need any help.

I can't find some research material which I really need - what shall I do?

Just email for help, and we will do our best to find the research material for you - anita.curley@bisvietnam.com