Wellbeing - Looking after each other

Wellbeing at this important time

Now, more than ever, with this unique situation, we need to be mindful of keeping our minds and bodies fresh and strong. This page is all about taking that time to look after yourselves and your wider family and community. Read through these sections carefully, and return often as we update this page with even more great stuff from the Internet.

COVID-19- A guide from the Counselling & Support Team

Go green and ditch the screen

As a family, make time to get away from the device that much of the learning is being delivered on. Our teachers, both classroom and specialists, are endeavouring to create lessons which are not solely focused on screen time; however, don't rely on the teachers to provide the only opportunities to get away from the screen. A simple online search will yield many great options, and one of the best, Lifehack, offers instructions on how to get off the screen, and yet still learn some valuable lessons. Have a look at the website here: Lifehack

Reduce household stress

How to keep your household positive over the course of the pandemic - these sheets are from the World Health Organisation, and offer an insight into how to reduce stress during this difficult period.


Maintaining positive wellbeing - From an olympic gold medalist!

Calling on his incredible career as an Olympic gold medal-winning athlete, business mentor and now Elite Performance Coach at one of our sister schools in Shanghai, BISS Puxi, Marlon Devonish shares his tips for achieving elite performance and guidance on maintaining mental wellbeing and positivity in this A-Z series.

Things to do while stuck inside:

Listed below are some wonderful opportunities for you to get together as a family and use the power of the Internet to entertain you all. Click on the links below and take some time out together - today!

Doodle Art

A great free drawing and sketching channel on YouTube - yes it involves screen-time, but hopefully it will eventually get you away from it!

Rapid Fire Art Lessons

This great, free resource will have you up and drawing in no time! Great not only for students, but for adults as well! Get Sketching!