Secondary Library

BIS Secondary Library has a range of carefully curated digital resources and eBooks for all of our students reading interests and learning needs. Click on the buttons above to access.

Need help finding an eBook or resource?

Email Ms Curley, BIS Secondary Teacher Librarian:

You can now read, translate or listen to your favourite news and magazine publications. Over 7,000 publications, from 120 countries and in 60+ languages.

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Not sure what to read next...?

...then take a look through our current recommendations. Each collection has been carefully curated for BIS Secondary students - there really are some amazing reads, both fiction and non-fiction, contemporary and classic, for all year groups and all reading interests.

8 must reads for High School students in 2020

The right book can open up your world.

Be inspired by our 2020 list of award-winners suitable for students aged 11+.

Take a closer look.

carnegie SHADOWING COMPETITION shortlist 2020

Join thousands of international students across the world reading 2020 shortlist nominations.

Winner announced Oct 2020.

Find out more!

Check out these great book collections too!

Created especially for BIS students on Destiny Discover

lots of ideas for your next great read.