Binghamton Research Days Student Presentations

Randi Traison - ITURP HS Vaping 2021.pdf

Development and Evaluation of An Educational Video For High School Students On Vaping And Other Nicotine Products

Randi Traison (Senior, Nursing); Samantha Cosme (Junior, Nursing); Shira Ellenbogen (Junior, Nursing); Ilana Neusner (Senior, Nursing); Austen Hyrnda (Junior, Nursing); Christopher Felice (Sophomore, Nursing);Candace Kim (Junior, Nursing); Ada Lam (Sophomore, Biology)

Mentor: Geraldine Britton, Nursing Faculty; Wendi Gallagher, Nursing Faculty

Background: Electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS), especially vaping, have increased in use and resulted in severe lung injuries (EVALI). In 2020, there were nearly 3.6 million middle school and high school (HS) students who vape. More research is needed to identify effective teaching strategies for adolescents on ENDS. Our previous research found that high school students’ experiences with vaping were related to social and behavioral influences, a knowledge deficit, and media exposure. They suggested a video educational intervention.

Purpose: To develop and evaluate the implementation of a vaping survey and educational video in a high school classroom setting and to further explore the knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors of high school students regarding nicotine products.

Methods: For the educational video, we videotaped interviews with six college-aged vapers. They were asked seven open-ended questions that elicited dialogue regarding their experiences with ENDS products. A process evaluation was then conducted. Students from a rural high school in a health education completed our validated TABS survey, viewed the developed video, and then participated in a semi-structured focus group to evaluate the video and survey. An interview was conducted with their teacher. COVID-19 restrictions dictated the process take place through a virtual platform.

Results: Feedback obtained from the students indicated that there was a knowledge deficit about ENDS ingredients; the survey was easy to complete and understand, and the video was an appropriate length with dramatic relief achieved. The teacher, with no prior education on these products, suggested the video be used as an introduction to ENDS education for students. We then developed a follow up demonstration module.

Conclusion/Implications: This vaping video educational module aims to reduce the knowledge deficit and usage of ENDS in adolescents. Testing of the effectiveness of this recently developed intervention is pending in a local high school with 100-125 students.