What is the LMS?

LMS stands for Learning Management System.  

BHI uses an LMS to deliver select required training to our employees online.

How do I get to the LMS?

What is my LMS Username?

Your LMS Username is either:

How do I change my LMS Username to my BHI email address?

Email the LMS administrator, mpeden@bhico.com, and request your LMS username be changed from your personal email address to your BHI email address.

I forgot my LMS password

Click on the blue PASSWORD box.

2. In the (E-mail) textbox:

I can't find training the training I'm looking for on the LMS.

Courses you are enrolled in but have Not Started or are In Progress are found under My Learning.

Courses you completed previously and want to revisit are found under Completed Courses.

To go to one of these pages, select them on the left side of the screen when in the LMS.  See screenshot below.