St. Michael's College

St. Michael's Book Award Criteria

The St. Michael's Book Award for Academic Achievement seeks to recognize two juniors who exhibit the characteristics of an ideal St. Michael's student. These students were selected based on academic achievement and social conscience.  

Mission Statement


It is the Mission of Saint Michael’s College to contribute through higher education to the enhancement of the human person and the advancement of human culture in light of the Catholic faith.


To actively engage students with ideas developed over millennia in many world civilizations as well as those ideas from more recently emerging disciplines and assist students in the generative process of creating new understandings. For this engagement to be most productive requires that a student work closely with a faculty member who is deeply, actively, and demonstrably engaged in learning, for in a liberal arts college it is not so much acquired knowledge or personal belief that is passed on from one generation to the next, but rather curiosity and passion for the very ideas of the discipline.

To encourage the development of an empathetic understanding and respect for the differing views of others derived from their history, status or unique philosophical or religious belief. Such an understanding is to be developed through proximate experience grounded in religious, philosophical and historical contexts.

To take responsibility for the moral and spiritual development of each individual by employing the long Catholic intellectual tradition that sees no conflict between belief and reason. This is rooted in the belief that the world is “good” and that the dignity of each person needs to be acknowledged.

Multicultural Vision

Saint Michael’s College is a multicultural community which values each individual, celebrates diversity, encourages high ethical standards, instills a passion for justice and shapes a campus-wide environment of responsibility, and compassion. Through the efforts of various groups on campus the College provides ongoing educational opportunities, events, and programs to increase awareness of and appreciation for the rich diversity of humankind.