Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)

The Connecticut Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBAC) are aligned to Connecticut Core State Standards in English language arts/literacy and mathematics.

Every May, students in grades 3-8, will be taking the Smarter Balanced Assessment (SBAC) in mathematics and English language arts/literacy. This is the state mandated test that replaces the Connecticut Mastery Test (CMT) in those areas. The assessment will be taken on a computer and will be untimed. Students will work at their own pace to complete each segment of the assessment. The assessment has been given since the spring of 2015.

Smarter Balanced Math and Literacy Data 2015-2019

Percent at level three or above for Bethel and the State

Copy of 2015-2019 Smarter Balanced Performance by Grades 3-8.doc

Smarter Balanced Literacy and Mathematics Cohort Data 2015-2019

This data follows the same group of students over time.

Copy of 2015-2019 Smarter Balanced Cohort Data.docx

2016-2019 Smarter Balanced ELA Growth Data

Copy of 2016-2019 Smarter Balanced Growth Cohort Data.docx

2016-2019 Smarter Balanced Math Growth Data

2016-2019 MATH Smarter Balanced Growth Cohort Data.docx