Measures Of Academic Performance (MAP)

The district administers the Measures of Academic Performance (MAP) in the Fall, Winter and Spring to all students in grades 1-11. MAP is a universal screener for literacy and mathematics. Students take MAP on a device (Ipad, Chromebook or laptop). The computer adjusts the difficulty of the questions so that each student takes a unique test. The difficulty of each question is based on how well the student has answered previous questions. The district and schools use the information to monitor curriculum and student achievement. Teacher's use the assessment to identify strengths and areas for growth, plan instruction and determine need for intervention (based on multiple data points, not just MAP). The district goal is to have students achieve at higher than the 61st percentile. In the past, students have only been reassessed in the Winter and Spring if needed. During the 2019-2020 school year, we plan to assess all students in fall and winter to monitor growth of all students.

MAP/NWEA Reading and Math Cohort Data

Spring 2017-Spring 2019

Copy of Reading-NWEA Spring to Spring Cohort Data.docx
Copy of MATH-NWEA Spring to Spring Cohort Data.docx

2018-2019 Fall to Spring NWEA Reading

Copy of FALL to Spring 2018-2019 READING NWEA

2018-2019 Fall to Spring NWEA Math

Copy of Fall to Spring 2018-2019 MATH NWEA Data