Transitioning with an
IEP or 504 Plan

Services Available to Students

As students explore post-secondary options, they should also research the availability of special services such as tutorial support, academic advising, reduced course loads, and organizational and study skills programs. These services can range from meeting minimal requirements of the Federal law (Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act) to the services of a full-time learning disabilities director, specially-trained tutors, and a full range of accommodations. Colleges typically explore the nature of the services the student has received in high school and determine the type of support that is appropriate in college. If the school has a special learning support program, the student should contact that program directly.

Information for Students and Families

Many colleges and universities offer programs and services to meet the special needs of students with identified physical or cognitive disabilities. These programs include academic advising, tutorial support and special accommodations which may be necessary for students to function adequately in classes. Colleges encourage prospective students to submit their cognitive and psychological assessments on which their IEP or 504 plan is based to the college program providing services to students with learning disabilities. Additional information may be requested from the college.  Classified students and students with 504 plans should begin to work with their case managers and/or counselors during their junior year to ensure testing and other information is current and available to send to colleges. Documentation of the disability must be current and students should check with the college program to determine if the most recent testing is appropriately current for the individual college. Students with documented hearing, learning, physical, or visual disabilities that impact on their performance on college entrance exams can request special accommodations for these exams. These accommodations can include extended time, large type test booklets and answer sheets, a sign language interpreter or a reader.  In order to qualify to request college entrance testing modifications, a student must be classified or have a 504 Plan and typically must be currently receiving modifications in high school.   

Resources for more Information

Presentation from the Department

Each year, the Department of School Counseling and Child Study Team at Ridge High School collaborate for a presentation to families called, "Transitioning to College with an IEP or 504 Plan", traditionally held each spring.  Click below to review the video recording and slide presentations.