Senior Year Planning:
10 Steps

Senior Year Recommendations for Post-Secondary Planning

Consider these steps below as a general outline of your senior year as you finish strong and head towards your next chapter.  

Students applying to colleges should refer to our specific college application checklist page for more details. 

Fall, Step 1
Review your senior year schedule.  Consider the balance or rigor, opportunity, and your interests.  Review the Program of Studies for deadlines to make schedule change requests in the fall.  Ensure that you are on track to meet all graduation requirements, including testing/assessment requirements (click here). 

Fall, Step 2: Refer to the Application Checklist!

For those applying to colleges, bookmark our page, "Application Checklist: 10 Step Process".  This page details our specific recommendations for successfully completing college applications.

Fall, Step 3

School counselors will be meeting with seniors during an in-school assembly to discuss senior year planning for colleges and beyond, during the first week of school.  Attend this presentation.  

Fall, Step 4

Following the assembly, each senior will meet individually with your school counselor for a personal planning meeting regarding your goals for after high school, status of your college applications, and finalizing your college list. See the Application Checklist page for more details.  Plan for first marking period grades to be sent to colleges, and talk with your counselor about this.

Fall, Step 5

Review the flyer of counseling program events (College Fair, Financial Aid Night, College Rep Visits, Senior Planning Night).  Attend these events for the most current information and guidance related to the college application season. 

Fall, Step 6

Plan for the FAFSA release in the fall and discuss financial planning with your family. Research scholarships and discuss college costs as a family. 

Winter, Step 5

Mid-Year grades will be sent to colleges automatically, when mid-year/seventh semester transcripts are available in the Genesis portal.  At this mid-year mark, review your graduation requirements to ensure your proposed course selections and mid year grades meet the requirements.  This includes both course credit requirements AND testing/assessment graduation requirements from the NJDOE (click here).

Winter, Step 6

Update your counselor on progress of college applications and your post-secondary pathway.  Meet with your counselor as needed to adjust any plans.  Continue to refer to the application checklist as needed.

Spring, Step 7

Fostering relationships with teachers is an important part of your senior year.  Discuss your plans with mentors and teachers who may offer support and advice in addition to your school counselor. 

Spring, Step 8

Continue to embrace all that senior year has to offer as you near the finish line of your high school career.  As you make decisions about committing to colleges, focus on the best fit.  The best fit for you reflects the academic, social, and personal fit that a college has to offer.  Trust in your abilities to make the best choices for your future.  

Spring, Step(s) 9 

Attend any end of year panels, information sessions, assemblies and/or special programming that aims to help with the transition to college from a personal/social aspect.    

Spring, Step 10 

End strong.  Meet your deadlines, and make a plan to keep in touch with those who have helped you along the way.  Consider providing your personal email address to the counseling department so that we may contact you as Alumni for any updates on your college journey, all geared to help future generations of Ridge graduates.