Freshman Year Planning:
10 Steps

Freshman Year Recommendations for Post-Secondary Planning

Freshman year of high school is an important, and significant year of transition for teenagers.  These next four years will be an exciting journey filled with new experiences and opportunities, all leading to prepare you for your future after Ridge High School.  As you embark on this chapter of your academic life, we want to share some valuable tips to help you balance planning for both high school and post-secondary pathways including colleges.

Fall, Step 1:
Welcome to high school!  This is the year you begin creating your transcript (document of academic courses, grades, and grade point average) that will be a record of your 4 years at high school. Make sure you are comfortable in your classes with regard to level of challenge and overall workload. Review the Program of Studies for deadlines to make schedule change requests in the fall.    

Fall, Step 2:
Work on fostering positive relationships with friends, peers, and others. Remember that high school is a fresh start and you can decide the best version of yourself to be moving forward.

Fall/Winter, Step 3:
Check out the clubs and activities that are offered at Ridge. Being involved will help you feel more connected to our school community!   Many colleges value well-rounded students who demonstrate commitment, and a passion for learning beyond the classroom.

Fall, Step 4:
Make an effort to get to know your teachers, and build relationships.  Forming these relationships and mentorships are critical to having a positive experience at Ridge High School.  Focusing on building a strong academic foundation during freshman year can impact your academic path moving forward.

Fall, Step 5:
Throughout the year, ask for help if you need it! Counselors/SACs are here to help you too and it's important to build a relationship with your counselor. Don't hesitate to reach out to your high school counselors. They are there to help you with course selection, college research, and any personal challenges you may face. Student Assistance Counselors (SACs) are also here to help with personal challenges you may experience.

Winter, Step 6:
Now that classes are underway, work on finding the right balance between your academics/personal life. Find a good system of organization that works for you.  Balancing academics, extracurriculars, and personal life can be a challenge.  Learning effective time management will set you up for success throughout high school and beyond.

Winter, Step 6:
Meet with your counselor in an individual meeting for academic planning for sophomore year - typically in February 

Spring, Step 7:
While it's still early, familiarize yourself with college admissions requirements including the SAT or ACT in general.  Plan to take the PSAT in the fall of sophomore year; more information will be distributed towards the end of freshman year/summer.

Spring, Step 8:
Attend the Activities Fair to learn more about Ridge High School, and consider your involvement throughout the next three years, and how that may differ from freshman year.

Spring, Step 9:
Consider summer plans (i.e. volunteering, employment, academic or other opportunities) - applications for these are generally due in late winter or early spring.  Take some time to reflect on your interest, passions, and career aspirations.  Gaining experiences with extracurricular and volunteer opportunities will guide you in making informed decisions about your future.  

Summer, Step 10:
Be aware of summer assignments for sophomore year classes and enjoy your summer.  Check the curriculum website for summer assignments for each of your classes, if applicable.