Training Resources

Training Activities

Choose It Or Lose It

Choose It or Lose It

Imagine you and your family were just told that you have 10 minutes to vacate your home. You can take only whatever you can fit into a backpack. What things would you take with you? What things would be hard to leave behind?

Discussion Questions:

How Vulnerable Are You?

The following survey illustrates some of the factors that can lead to homelessness. When several of these exist, and there isn’t strong family support, people are at risk of becoming homeless. Have participants consider the following questions:

1. Could you ever become involved in a flood, fire, tornado or other natural disaster?

2. Do you work in an area of the job market where your job might become obsolete?

3. Could you ever suffer a long-term illness or accident without proper health benefits or other compensations?

4. Could a down turn in the economy or a change in your local economy cause you or your family to lose a job(s)?

5. Do you live in a household with only one full time wage earner?

6. Are you behind in monthly bills, have high credit card debt or have a home in foreclosure?

7. Are housing costs in your area increasing faster than wages are increasing?

8. Does anyone in your family struggle with alcohol, drug, or other addictions?

9. Has there ever been any form of domestic violence or abuse in your family?

10. Do you have money in savings/life insurance to cover living expenses should your spouse die unexpectedly?

Overcoming Barriers (Box Activity) (Virtual or in-person)

Overcoming Barriers (Box Activity) - Virtual PPT Edition (download slide and open in PowerPoint)

Overcoming Barriers (Box Activity) 

Materials Needed:


Overcoming Barriers: Jesse

Priorities Activity

Small groups of participants are given a set of cards (or a list) with different labels, such as:

 clothing, food, shelter, spirituality, cell phone, hygiene, retirement, significant other, insurance, education, transportation, health, etc. 

As a group, they must organize the priorities in order from most important priority to least important. Although the group may have different opinions, they must come to a consensus and record their top and bottom three.

Next, they will reevaluate the items and prioritize them as if they were students living without permanent housing. Again, the group must come to a consensus and record their top and bottom three.

Discussion afterward will focus on how the two lists were similar and how they were different and the reasons for those similarities/differences.

SPENT - Poverty Simulation (virtual)


SPENT was created in 2011 by McKinney and Urban Ministries of Durham. It's a free online poverty simulation platform that allows participants to experience what it's like to budget throughout a month on a poverty-level income. Challenge yourself to reach the end of the month without running out of money. 

What Would You Choose? - Foster Care Edition (virtual)

Play What Would You Choose - Foster Care Edition

What Would You Choose - Foster Care Edition was created by the Region 2 ECYEH team in 2023. Through three scenarios, the simulation takes participants through the process of supporting youth experiencing foster care. Choose your role as a residential treatment facility case worker, a children and youth agency case manager, or a school district foster care point of contact. 

National Webinars

Upcoming and Archived Webinars