"The Brilliant Idea"

 by Genesis Parra


Manhattan, New York 

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” As the three friends stand in front of their abandoned middle school, those are the shocking words coming out of the dirty blonde hair girl’s mouth, Jamie.  If there is one thing Diana could ever get accustomed to, it would be the mere joy that rises in her as she sees the reactions of her friends' faces when she announces one of her many brilliant ideas. 

“C’mon! This could be fun,” Diana says, groaning. 

With Timothy's help, they finally open the window. Diana crawls in with her feet first and lands on a child's desk. Looking around the empty classroom, she heads to the hallway to open the door for her friends, but suddenly she hears a loud crash. Diana turns her head slowly to the previous hallway she walked through, ready to book it if necessary, but sees there’s nothing there.  

A sigh of relief escapes her mouth. “Awesome,” Diana says as she really takes in the fun that she believes is about to occur tonight.  

As her friends enter the door she opens, “Wow, a wave of nostalgia just hit me,” Jamie says as her whole body dramatically stands in one place.

Diana says, “I know right, we haven’t even seen upstairs yet.” 

The three follow suit, as all take in the emptiness of their classrooms upstairs, filling them with a nostalgic feeling, from the mindset of youth they once had. 

“I thought I’d never be back here, hell I swore to it,” Diana says as she heads to the desk of the only teacher she used to like in the old school. 

“Yeah, me too,” Jamie mumbles to herself.

Timothy leaves the classroom as he stands in the middle of the hallway, resting his back against the wall, his words escaping with a sigh. “It’s interesting walking through these classrooms, with the silence they hold, I remember how loud it used to be.” Diana and Jamie agree in unison, while their eyes cross the now tainted colors of the walls.  

The urge to go pee crosses Diana’s mind. Heading to the bathroom, she lets her friends know where she’ll be. But as Diana walks in, her mouth is left open and the chills run up the spine of her back. Splattered and crimson stains of blood fill the bathroom, leaving a nauseating smell of salty air. She runs out the bathroom, yelling to get the attention of her friends.

“What?” Jamie says, concerned while she and Timothy stand in the middle of the hallway unaware of the horrors Diana has just seen. 

Diana's eyes widen as she notices the smiling stained bloody clown standing far behind her friends. “You guys… Run!!” 

Both quickly turn their heads to see the clown, noticing how big and sharp the clown's teeth are. The three run as fast they can while the 6 foot clown chases them.

 Jamie exclaims, “Oh my god!” her green eyes bulging as she has never run this fast before, and it is possibly her first time even running.

Going down the stairs, they head to the door, but as they come closer they notice the chains wrapped around it. “Turn to the right and head to Mrs. Jerry's classroom,” Diana yells to Jamie.

They head to the bottom floor of the school. All turning to the right, going to the only classroom with a strong enough lock, Timothy quickly locks the door once all of them enter, as his body slowly slides down reaching the floor due to the anxiety that is coursing through his body.