"In the Heart of a Cold Winter's Night"

by Savannah Griffin 

In the heart of a cold winter's night 

I know in souls that none of this is right 

Writing the letter to let my kin know I can no longer live through this foolish snow

Maybe I’ll take the finances I have left and go to Rome 

Or maybe Spain?

Someplace where it doesn’t reek of my late mother 

Or someplace where it doesn’t snow almost everyday 

I haven’t been happy here for a long time 

I’ve been trying to find ways to tell you 

Staying locked up in my room

Only coming out for dinner 

When I do I have a tone 

But yet you don’t seem to grasp the idea that I want to be left alone 

Everyday you say you have your mother's eyes and smile 

The more I’m here the more pain it brings 

I know I’m all you have left and you’re all I have left as well

I think you’re catching on to me as I saw you weeping in the gallery last night 

I’m worried you might have found my papers 

Letters I would have left you on the dining table 

Letters is all you would have had left of me 

I plan on leaving very soon

In need of catching a train then a boat to take me to Rome 

No longer can I stay in the comfort of you home 

Surrounded by safety and the quiet of the snow 

No longer can I go on mourning the loss of late mother 

I know you have your ways and you’re incredibly upset 

But if storming out into the winter night snow is what I have to do to go 

I ought to leave you be….