"Saving the Aurora Village"

by Annalis Angeles-Veloz 

Act 1, Scene 1: 

(Setting: The Aurora Village square)

(Enter AMBER, a half-pixie human, and PIT, a retired hero)

AMBER: (excitedly) Pit! I've been looking for you. I need your help. 

PIT: (surprised) Amber, what are you doing here? And what kind of help do you need? 

AMBER: (urgently) The Aurora Village is in danger. There's a monster terrorizing the kingdom and the king is missing. I need your help to save the village and find the king. 

PIT: (skeptically) A monster, you say? And why should I help you? I'm retired now. I'm done with heroics. 

AMBER: (persuasively) Because you're the only one who has the skills and experience to defeat the monster. And because I need your help. Please, Pit. The village and the kingdom are counting on us. 

PIT: (sighing) Alright, I'll help you. But we have to work together if we're going to have any chance of saving the village and finding the king. 

AMBER: (smiling) Great! Let's get started. 

(the duo starts out of the village, and to Amber’s dismay this includes Pit getting stopped for his ¨heroic actions¨ )

(now almost out of the village)

AMBER: (with a bit of annoyance) Finally I don't have to hear you speak about ¨ knight activities¨ and how you're so greaaattttt. 

PIT: Hey!!!! What's that supposed to mean? I’m great, charming, and used to be one of the best heroes. 

AMBER: It means that with that attitude, let's not get ahead of ourselves. 

(they both continue to argue, walking and making their way to their next destination)

Act 1, Scene 2:

(Setting: A dense forest near the Aurora Village)

(Enter AMBER and PIT)

AMBER: (excitedly) Pit, I've been thinking about how we're going to take down that monster. I think we should use my powers as a half-pixie.

PIT: (skeptically) Your powers? I don't think that's a good idea. We should stick to what we know.

AMBER: (frustrated) But Pit, we need all the help we can get. My powers could be the key to defeating the monster.

PIT: (definitely) No way. I don't trust those powers. They're too unpredictable.

AMBER: (angrily) How can you say that? I'm a hero too, you know. And I have just as much right to help as you do.

PIT: (calmly) Amber, I understand you're frustrated. But this is the way it has to be. I've been doing this a lot longer than you have, and I know what works best.

AMBER: (sighing) Fine. But I'm not going to just sit back and watch you do all the work. I'm going to find a way to help.

PIT: (sighing) Fine, just try not get hurt - these woods are the most dangerous at this time. 

(PIT uses his magic to make a light ball to see in the forest)

AMBER: (surprised) Huh, wait, you can use magic?

PIT : Uhh yes, I have, but it's not a big deal. 

AMBER:  Why not??

(AMBER also using a bit of her magic to make a smaller ball of light

PIT: (a bit irritated)  It's not a big deal, and just let's leave it at that.

AMBER: ….well...ok. 

(both continue walking deeper into the forest)

Act 1, Scene 3:

(Setting: A clearing in the forest near the Aurora Village)

(Enter AMBER and PIT)

AMBER: (excitedly) Pit, look! The monster!

(Enter a large, fearsome monster)

PIT: (determined) Alright, Amber. This is it. Let's take this guy down.

AMBER: (nervously) How do we do that?

PIT: (confidently) Just follow my lead. And be ready to use those powers of yours if you have to.

(PIT and AMBER engage in battle with the monster. After a few intense moments...)

AMBER: (excitedly) Pit, I've got an idea! Let's combine our powers!

PIT: (surprised) What? How?

AMBER: (confidently) Trust me. I've been practicing.

(PIT and AMBER use their powers in tandem to defeat the monster)

PIT: (impressed) Amber, that was incredible. You were right. We make a great team.

AMBER: (smiling) I told you we would.

Act 1, Scene 4:

(Setting: The throne room of the Aurora Village)

(Enter AMBER, PIT, and the King of the Aurora Village)

KING: (gratefully) Amber and Pit, I cannot thank you enough for what you have done for our village. You are true heroes.

AMBER: (modestly) It was nothing, Your Majesty. We were just doing our part.

PIT: (smiling) It was my pleasure, Your Majesty. It's been a long time since I've had a real adventure.

KING: (earnestly) You two make a great team. I hope you will continue to work together in the future.

AMBER: (excitedly) We would be honored, Your Majesty.

PIT: (smiling) I think that's a great idea.

Act 1, Scene 5:

(Setting: A clearing in the forest near the Aurora Village)

(Enter AMBER and PIT)

AMBER: (excitedly) Pit, I can't believe we did it! We actually saved the Aurora Village!

PIT: (smiling) I know. It was a great adventure, wasn't it?

AMBER: (sadly) Yeah, but it's over now. I'm going to miss working with you, Pit.

PIT: (tenderly) Amber, I'm going to miss working with you too. But you know what? You and I will always have each other.

AMBER: (confused) What do you mean?

PIT: (revealing) Amber, I'm your father.

AMBER: (surprised) What? No way! How is that possible?

PIT: (explaining) Your mother and I were separated when you were young. I didn't even know you existed until recently. But now that I've found you, I'm never going to let you go.

AMBER: (tearfully) Pit, I don't know what to say.

PIT: (comforting) You don't have to say anything. Just know that I love you and I'm here for you, always.

AMBER: (smiling) I love you too, Dad.

(End scene)

Act 1, Scene 6:

(Setting: A grand feast in the Aurora Village)

(Enter AMBER, PIT, KING, and the citizens of the Aurora Village)

KING: (stands up) My dear citizens of the Aurora Village, I would like to take this moment to thank Amber and Pit for their bravery and their heroic deeds. They have saved us from certain doom and we are forever in their debt.

(Everyone applauds)

PIT: (stands up) Your Majesty, it was an honor to serve the Aurora Village. But I must admit, I couldn't have done it without Amber. She's the true hero.

(Everyone turns to AMBER)

AMBER: (modestly) I couldn't have done it without Pit, either. He's the best father a half-pixie could ask for.

(Everyone smiles and nods)

KING: (smiling) Amber and Pit, I would like to present you with these medals of honor, as a symbol of our gratitude.

(The KING presents AMBER and PIT with the medals)

AMBER: (tearfully) Thank you, Your Majesty. I will cherish this forever.

PIT: (smiling) This is the proudest moment of my life. Thank you, Your Majesty.

(Everyone raises their glasses in a toast)

KING: (raises his glass) To Amber and Pit, our heroes!

(Everyone cheers)