"The Witch Who Grants Wishes"

by Christian Chavez

Hiding in the forest, a desolate witch confides with the moon

Granting wishes to all who seek her boon

With gleam in their eyes, a child swore

They would find the witch and wish for toys, candy, and more

Poised and ready, no fear showing

The child entered, greatly entrenched in not knowing

Wishes and riches were all that you sought

But I will bestow thee something greater, it will not be for naught.

My child drowned, so I’ll take you for mine

I’ll sew you back together with my resplendent twine.

Cry not my child, I will be your mother

My beautiful sweeting, my darling isomer

Sinew stretches forward with malformed bending

Bone escapes skin, elasticity ultimately ending

Past your sweet supple skin shows of what you consist

My darling, my beloved, I cannot help but give you a kiss

I love you, I love you, oh how you cause joy to unfurl

My beloved sweeting, my elegant pearl

Your yummy moans cause my motherhood to trigger

Your cries are so nice, my darling intoner.

Vice, mania, zeal, all high

How beautiful you’ve become, my oh my

Oh? My child, why do you scream?

You’ve transcended grace, you’ve achieved our dream

Becoming a doll rids oneself of pain

And the hurt that can come from consequence and blame

Now nothing you do is your fault, I guarantee

You belong to something important now. You belong to me.

Somewhere in the forest, bathed by the light of the moon

Is a quiet child and a happy mother, humming a tune

They do not yearn, they need not for more

For the splendid child, “You are all I adore~”