Family of Small Schools

We are part of FOSS - the Family of Small Schools. There are a number of ways we collaborate and connect across the year. This includes sports tournaments, additional experiences for Year 6 pupils to join together, teacher subject groups (e.g. maths leads pooling ideas), and in July there is FOSS DAY!

For 2024, FOSS Day is on Friday 5th July. The year groups across the schools go on organised coaches to different host schools. All travel happens within school hours.  This year the arrangement is as follows:

Reception: Bealings (here on site with Claire, Joy and Rebecca)

Year 1 and 2: Martlesham (our children will travel with Trish, Sophie and Karen)

Year 3 and 4: Waldringfield (our children will travel with Alice and Frankie)

Year 5 and 6: Bucklesham (our children will travel with Hetty and Laura M)

It's a great opportunity to feel part of a bigger year group - if only for a day. In fact it is part of our strategy for preparing children for secondary school, something we have to think carefully about as we are quite a small school on our own.

The theme is The Natural World and the day tends to consist of a few activities like scavenger hunts, art and drama, problem solving and design challenges. 

Children will be with some of their own class at all times and will have a designated classroom base in the school where they gather together at the start, end and for breaks. Here are a few details about what they will be getting up to:

Reception: Bee hotels, weaving and making with recycled materials, storytelling and singing

Year 1 and 2: Rainbow Scavenger hunt

Year 3 and 4: Sunflower planting, Forest school 

Year 5 and 6: Geocaching/survival on a remote island: Co creating a narrative/Art activity

If you have any questions or worries, please speak to an adult in your child's class.