Year 5 and 6

September to December: Gray Mining 

Gray Mining are an historic British Mining Company, who excitingly, have been commissioned by NASA to assist on an asteroid mining mission. When a media storm erupts regarding the history of our company (which was founded during the Industrial Revolution), we must carefully consider our options. What happened that has caused such negativity from the press and social media? Can the mission be completed? Are we sufficiently trained to undertake it?

January to May: The Blue Circle

We are a Charity which serves refugees and migrants. We provide care, emergency aid and rehabilitation services to people who have had to leave their home country. When a family reaches out and explains to us that they are currently squatting in a cave on an island just off the coast of Greece, we do all we can to assist them.

We learn that the cave was once a resting place to a group of travellers on their way home from war. A well known writer named Homer even wrote a poem/story about them... We enter a drama narrative to explore this further. We become the victorious Greek Soldiers at the end of the Trojan War; about to set sail for home. Will we make it? And what will happen once we are home?

June and July: Adrenaline Addicts

As a tour company for people seeking adrenaline fuelled experiences in the natural world, who are asked to add storm-chasing to their offering.

Going into the next academic year (2024-5), Year 5 & 6 will be taught primarily by Mark Lowry, supported by teaching assistant Finlay Black.