Early Years

15 children join us each year in our Reception classroom. We have been oversubscribed for a long time because we are able to offer such a child-centred, flexible and caring approach, whilst also sparking the natural curiosity of each young human that joins our school community.

We are inspired by three early years theorists: Malaguzzi, Froebel and Montessori. Their thinking informs how we have shaped our Early Years approach.

Malaguzzi: the environment should invite exploration - the classroom is 'the third teacher'. We try to make our space dynamic, inviting and adaptable. We encourage collaboration between children and between child and adult. There is a playful interchange between different people in the space - exploring, wondering and creating. The curriculum, although underpinned by planning, is emergent. We watch and listen carefully to the children and their voice influences the journey that the learning might take. Everyone is a partner in the classroom - and this includes parents and the wider school community as well. 

Froebel:  Froebel was very clear that children needed time to be children. For him, children create meaning by layering and linking what they already know with new experiences. Play is very important as children, through their imagination and through synthesising experiences, start to understand the world around them and how they fit in. The outdoors is also key - as it is a very rich playground for children and essential for holistic wellbeing. 

Montessori: children learn best when they are self-motivated, not 'fed' information. Ownership over their own space, their environment and their learning means that learning becomes effortless because it is just natural. Learning is as hands on as possible and the teacher exists within the space as a facilitator, playing to the child's innate curiosity to find things out, problem solve and be independent. 

These theorists also inform our overall curriculum opproach. Read about our Core Principles here

Although some children are ready to throw themselves into school immediately, we also recognise that for some, a gentle start is better. We are very open to a 'mornings only' kind of schedule if your child is not yet 5, and will often build a bespoke timetable, especially for very young children.

Every child has lunch in our cafe and this is free. There is plenty of opportunity to have small portions of a few things. 

Children in Reception often arrive into the classroom with their parents and there is a relaxed start to the day, with parents tending to leave just after 9am.