
Attendance Policy

Behaviour Policy and Statement of Behaviour Principles

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (see also our Keeping Safe page)

Complaints Policy

E-Safety, Online and Acceptable Use Policy

Exclusions Policy

Intimate Care Policy

Relationships Policy (RSE) - currently under review

SEND and Learning Policy (see also our Learning Support page)

Staff Code of Conduct

Supporting Pupils with Medical Needs - to be reviewed Autumn 2024

Flexi Schooling Policy and Agreement

Whistleblowing Policy


For Admissions, please see our Admissions page


For our Sports and Pupil Premium documents, please click here


We also have a number of internal policies such as the Staff Pay Policy. These are available to staff from the school office. 


Financial information: click here to view financial benchmarking information about the school