
Career Options Related to Sustainability 

Corporate sustainability

Breaking into corporate sustainability at the entry-level can be challenging because there are not many opportunities


Environmental consultants advise companies and organizations on environmental issues, like green manufacturing, sustainability initiatives, compliance, and renewable energy. 


Environmental non-profits involve: 

ESG/ Impact Investing

ESG investing considers environmental, social and governance factors when judge an investment’s financial returns and sustainability impact. Popular firms like Citi, HSBC, and Barclays are hiring many people for this specific area, which also falls under "impact investing." You can also take free online courses about ESG and Sustainability!


Short for clean technology, "cleantech" refers to companies and technologies that improve environmental sustainability. It can involve “green technology,” like renewable energy sources or new methods of recycling. Or it can refer to methods of that reduce the negative environmental impact of sources like coal power or natural gas. 


One government career option is environmental lobbyist. They aim to influence legislation to achieve goals or  benefit special-interest groups related to environmental issues like limiting the overuse of natural resources and creating stricter anti-pollution laws. Lobbyists may also be known as government affairs representatives, government relations managers, and legislative associates

Where You Can Work

Corporate sustainability: 



ESG/Impact Investing: 




Reach out to some alumni on LinkedIn who are currently working in the field of sustainability! BC Gmail login required.

Sustainability Contacts


Look for job opportunities on specific job boards, like: 

Keep up with news and events by reading articles, joining newsletters, and following social media pages from leaders in the industry, such as: