
Interested in entrepreneurship? Check out Start@Shea!

Start @ Shea is the student executive team of the Edmund H. Shea Jr. Center for Entrepreneurship at Boston College that inspires and engages students to make their ideas happen. The team provides students with the unique opportunity to develop ideas, perfect skills, and meet like-minded students and innovators that work in the entrepreneurship ecosystem. No matter how involved you want to be, Start @ Shea has events, programs, classes, and competitions for you! 

Think entrepreneurship is just about startups? Think again

“When we’re working with founders, it doesn't matter what their major is,” said  Duncan Walker ’13

“It could be students who want to start a student organization on campus or a new YouTube channel. When we’re talking about entrepreneurship, we’re not necessarily talking about starting a company.” Read more in the full article. 

Network with alumni

Learn from people who've been there! You can reach out on LinkedIn to alumni from this list. You may recognize many of them from events on campus. BC login required.  

Start@Shea Tech & Entrepreneurship Fair 2021: Companies in Attendance

See who was at Start@Shea's previous job fair

Start@Shea T&E Fair 2021 - Companies in Attendance