Avalon High School

 Ultimate Frisbee

High School Ultimate Registration for 2023-DO STEPS A, B, C and D!

Registration requires: Step A: Online form.  Step B: MN ultimate registration and payment.  Step C: Avalon permission form and Step D: Avalon payment.

STEP A: Put your info on the online form so you get the emails! 

STEP B1, B2, and B3: Register on MN Ultimate:

B1: Register for Avalon's Team on Minnesota Ultimate including USA Ultimate registration (additional fees apply-sign up as a "player" membership).  Click "register" on the left and then select Avalon from the dropdown. Be sure to click "accept" to all waivers (there are like 5) and pay (or request financial assistance).

*Note: EVERYONE please register for the "open" team. See "girls team" info below.

B2: Medical Authorization Form link (this one cannot be done online, it has to be printed and brought to Chris physically or if you have fancy PDF powers filled out online and emailed to chris@avalonschool.org)

B3: Pay $60 for MN Ultimate Membership or use MN Ultimate Financial Aid Link

Step-by-step instructions to register on MN Ultimate

STEP C: Avalon permission form

Avalon Permission Form-High School (Bring to Chris OR email Chris a copy of completed form-can sign by typing name)

STEP D: Avalon Payment ($100)

Please use this Paypal link (note Ultimate Frisbee) to pay the Avalon portion of the payment or bring your labeled payment to the front office.  

Avalon incurs costs above and beyond what you have paid to MN Ultimate.  Please pay what you can; the suggested fee is $100 for high school players.  No player will be turned away due to their inability to pay. Pay what you can! 

More MN Ultimate Info:

MN Ultimate website has lots of helpful information here:

Individual Player Registration Tutorial

General League Info

Chaperones Needed

Our team requires multiple adults who have had background checks and safesport training to be at the field anytime the team is gathered.  I am asking for a few adults to volunteer their time to be chaperones.  Let me know if you are interested. A background check and short training are required. NO ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED! 

The first step is to register as a chaperone on the Minneosta Ultimate Website (just like you're a player, but select "chaperone" under "roles" instead of "player").

 Thank you for volunteering your time!  


How to become a chaperone PDF

Girls Team: All players are welcome to join the Boys/All Gender team.  If we get enough female-identifying players (15 or more), Chris will expand our offering and create a girls team that will play against other girls teams.  Currently, the Avalon team plays against other teams that are in a similar boat; often JV teams and/or teams with newer programs that often do not yet offer a girls team, so many teams are mixed teams as well.  If you would like to work with Chris to expand the ultimate frisbee offering in the future, please email him at Chris@avalonschool.org. Thank you!

Announcing preseason practices!

Preseason Practice Sign up Form

Fill out the form above to sign up for preseason practices.  Get a chance to check out ultimate frisbee before you commit!  These practices will be held on Friday, March 15th from 2:00-3:30 and Monday, March 25th from 2:00-3:30.  They will happen at the Joy of the People gym 890 Cromwell Ave #1515, St Paul, MN 55114.

High School Jerseys and more!

All high school players will be given jerseys and shorts to use for the season.  These will be returned after the state tournament.

If you are interested in ordering High School jerseys (or hats, blankets, socks, reversible tanks, hats, etc) that you can keep forever, please use this store link:


Please order by March 15, 2024 to recieve items by April 30th.

Team Store is CLOSED!

There is no need to purchase any of these jerseys.  However, if you would like to purchase any of the items in the Breakmark store, please submit your order any payment by March 15.  Orders should arrive by April 30th (which is about 1/2 way through the season).  All orders will be submitted at the same time and delivered at the same time, even if you order early.


Update attendance

Please update your attendance for each game ahead of time on the Minnesota Ultimate Website:

High School Link

We will have a parent/coach/athlete meeting on Wednesday, March 13th.  We can answer questions about the season, registration, and more!  We will post a virtual link to those interested as well as hosting an in-person meeting.

Ultimate 101 Handout

Ultimate 101 Presentation

If you have any questions regarding any information contained in those documents or anything on this site, please email chris@avalonschool.org.

Thank you!

High School Games:

New to ultimate?

The first couple of things you should know is that ultimate is "self-officiated."  This means a couple of things: 1. Players must understand the rules in order to make proper calls!  2. All players must recognize that every other player is there to have fun, so calling rules fairly (not simply to your own advantage) is what keeps the game fun!  

Check out "Ultimate in 10 Simple Rules"

And probably more helpful is this Youtube series called Ultimate 101

Here is a lovely instructional guide for some basic ultimate skills

More Videos:

Here is a short video about spirit 

More about spirit

Basic rules and gameplay-here is a short video about the basic rules and here are all the rules in PDF format

Longer video explanation of the rules

Skills videos:

How to throw video

Vertical Stack video 1

Vertical stack video 2

Full Rules-Don't try to read these without some experience :)


Most ultimate players will wear cleats.  There are ultimate-specific cleats, but those are usually expensive and difficult to find.  I personally wear soccer cleats as they are designed for the type of running that occurs in ultimate.  Wide receiver football cleats for grass would work as well.

Athletic clothing is also very helpful.  Something that allows for movement and is not too baggy (baggy clothing interferes with throwing and catching).  You do not have to wear spandex, but large baggy sweatshirts are not recommended.  

Here is the cleat request form:

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1osO6txalbDHMbddE8GqkiXXgu4Nn5EWLTy0BL7ghofE/edit?usp=sharing make a "comment" on the cleats that you would like to request.  Thank you!

Chaperones Needed

 Each team (high school and middle school) requires multiple adults who have had background checks and safesport training at the field anytime the team is gathered.  I am asking for a few adults to volunteer their time to be chaperones.  Let me know if you are interested. A background check and short training are required. NO ULTIMATE EXPERIENCE IS REQUIRED!  Thank you for volunteering your time!  chris@avalonschool.org 

How to become a chaperone PDF

Seeking Coaches

Avalon is also seeking applicants for the high school and middle school coach positions for Ultimate Frisbee. If you are interested, please see the details in the job descriptions below.  If you know somebody who would be a great fit, please pass the information along!

High School Ultimate Coach

Middle School Ultimate Coach

Email questions and resumes to Chris (chris@avalonschool.org).