The AIS Way

Aim: To understand our role as Avalon Intermediate students and members of the AIS community.

As a student at Avalon Intermediate, you are a member of the AIS community. All members of the AIS community are expected to know and demonstrate the AIS values and live the AIS way.

AIS Way - Art Competition

Task 9: Art competition

Thinking of our wonderful school and the values we show through the AIS Way, create a piece of art that shows the 6 values. If you are stuck for ideas, go and have a look at the mural on the end of the Art block.

Due: 3rd July 2020. Last day of Term 2. Hand into Mrs Robinson.

Theme: The AIS Way.

There will be prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place. The technology staff will be the judges.

Task 7: Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?

We can choose how we respond to challenges.

How can I react to tricky situations

Task 8: How can I react to tricky situations?

Thinking about the A.I.S Way and how we work together at Avalon Intermediate, how could you react in the following tricky situations?


  • The different people you have supporting you at school.

  • That there are things you can control and things you can’t control.

  • Everyone will have their own reaction to a problem, and it may be very different to yours.


  • Open your Google Drive and select your Topic folder.

  • Open the Google Doc called Topic Task 8: How can I react to tricky situations and record your answers to the questions in here.


A 20 minute Youtube yoga workout for inner and outer strength.

Task 5: Things I can control

Sometimes during stressful situations it is helpful to remind ourselves that there are things in life that we cannot control, and we should focus on the things we can control.


  • Open your Google Drive and select your Topic folder.

  • Open the Google Doc called Topic Task 5: Things I can control and record your answers here.

Task 3: Yoga for Beginners

Task 4: Kindness video

Attend (Arotahi

Be punctual, be present and participate


Accept and appreciate myself, others and our knowledge



Set goals, strive to achieve, succeed



Be Active, supportive and positive


Our Place

Respect our culture, community and environment


Never Give Up

Be reflective, resilient and take risks

Kia mau!

Task 1: The AIS Way

Watch The AIS Way video and think about the following questions:

  • How did you come to be a student at AIS? (When did you move into the area? What other schools have you attended?)

  • What does being a student at AIS mean to me? To my whānau?

  • What does it mean to be a successful AIS student? (What does a successful AIS student look like? How do they act? What do they do? - both in and out of class)

  • What makes a community successful? What stops a community from being successful?

  • How do I contribute to the AIS community? Is this a positive contribution? If not, what will I do differently so that our community is successful?

  • What do I want to achieve while at AIS? How can I achieve this goal?

  • How do the AIS values relate to me and the choices I make?

Task 2: The AIS Way Reflections


  • Open your Google Drive and select your Topic folder

  • Open the Google Doc called The AIS Way Task 2. We have set some questions in here that you can answer.

Task 3: Yoga for Beginners

Try out some of these Yoga exercises! A little bit of social distancing is needed for the poses in the video.