Bottle Babies


Newborns typically weigh between 80 and 120 grams when they are born. They still have their umbilical cord attached, and their eyes and ears are closed. They cannot see or hear and rely solely on scent. 

At around 3-5 days, their umbilical cords fall off on their own and their ears begin to open. 

1 week

At 1 week old kittens typically weigh between 150 and 250 grams. Their eyes begin to open between 7 and 10 days, and they have tiny cub ears, which can finally hear. They will try to wriggle and inch around, but they are not quite mobile yet. 

2 weeks

At 2 weeks old, kittens usually weight between 250 and 350 grams. They begin to crawl around at this age, but a small carrier or tote is perfect for keeping them close to their heating pad. Their eyes are open, and their ears are open and rounded. 

3 weeks

At 3 weeks kittens will start trying to walk around, but they may be a bit wobbly. Their teeth begin to emerge, with canines beginning to emerge between 3.5 and 4 weeks. Their ears become more erect, but may have a little floppiness at the tip. The kittens are only ready to be moved off the bottle once their canines are fully out. 

4 weeks

Now is when kittens typically switch from bottle to syringe gruel, sometimes with a bit of reluctance. At this age they are a lot more mobile and will start eliminating on their own. They will also begin playing with each other. 

Bottle baby-specific supplies

In addition to the supplies required for all neonatal litters, you will also need a few extras if you foster bottle babies. Please be sure to have the following items before taking bottle babies home! 

Bottle babies are so small that they don't need a lot of space! They are happy with a cat carrier or tote (with a heating pad inside!).

Want to foster bottle baby kittens?

Watch this short video covering all the basics of fostering bottle baby kittens

Fostering Basics - Bottle Babies.mp4