Neonatal Kitten Care

IN CASE OF EMERGENCY: Please call our clinic at 512-466-0720 (9am–7pm) or 888-733-8840 (after hours) 

From bottle babies to full-fledged mini cats, learn more about when, what, and how to feed your foster kittens!

Learn about the extra help we provide our fosters through supply hubs, kitty catpool transportation, and our fabulous team of mentors!

Learn about our protocols for disinfecting, check out our online training, and find more documents and videos about different aspects of kitten care!

Foster kitten milestones:

Printable Daily Care Sheet

Daily Care Sheet 2023 (last updated 9/15/23)

A note about weight tracking

Weight charts are essential for tracking weights and determining whether and how much to feed or supplement kittens, and they are also a helpful troubleshooting tool. When kittens are losing weight, are experiencing symptoms of illness, or are difficult to feed, weights, patterns, and gains or losses can give us clues about problems that need to be addressed. Please be sure to keep track of weights using our Daily Care Sheet or a format of your choice that tracks the same information as the information on the Daily Care Sheet, and be prepared to share your charts with the foster team or med team if we request them.