Class of 2026

Mrs. Kuramoto

Counselor, Class of 2026

Here's a happiness Calendar.... try a few of these :)    Remember.. be kind and pay it forward !

Sophomore Social/Emotional Lesson --  Growth Mindset and S.M.A.R.T. Goal setting

Hi, Students... here are the slides for the Growth Mindset and S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting lesson that I presented during your English class in November.

Growth Mindset and S.M.A.R.T. Goal setting lesson

Sophomore Orientation - Fall 2023 

Here are the slides that were presented during your English class ....

Sophomore Orientation - Fall 2023 - Counseling Lesson

Copy of Sophomore Orientation Fall 2023

Need help with math?  

 Use the QR to sign up for free Tutoring !

Hi, Students!  Here's the link to the lesson I gave in your English class (between Sept 12th - Sept 21st)   

_9th grade Orientation 2022.pdf

Class of 2026

Requirement:  40 hours of Civic and Service Learning needed by the end of senior year (May 2026)

Here's a Log you can use to keep track of the number of hours that you have completed at an event/location/activity

Civic and Service Learning Log 

Hello, Students!

Here is the Stress and Coping Skills Lesson that was given during Health classes this year. Feel free to revisit and utilize the tips whenever you need it!  Remember to use your own personal toolkit to remind yourself that you have strategies to use!

Stress and Coping Skills Lesson

Summer School FAQ

Question: Who needs summer school?

Students who earn F's in classes required for graduation 


Students who earn D's in classes required to meet the a - g requirements (classes needed to apply straight to universities after high school)

Graduation & A-G Requirement 

Question: When is summer school?

1st option:

2nd option:

July 3 - Aug 4   (online or paper/pencil option) through ACCESS 

Maximum:  2 classes

**Science is not available through this option

For more info: 714- 245-6405 or

Question: What classes are offered in summer school?

English, Math, Living Earth ( no honors level), Health

Question: How do I get signed up?

Mrs. Kuramoto is calling in students individually to receive their paperwork and instructions.  If students are absent or don't respond to the call slips, then it makes it difficult to move forward